Accusys ExaRAID GUI User Manual

Page 194

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Advanced Functions


Configuration data

The controller’s configurations and states are synchronized between two
controllers. There are two copies of one identical configuration data in
the two controller. Updating the two copies of configuration data should
be considered as an atomic operation.

Event logs

The event logs are mirrored between controllers. Users can view the event
logs even one of controllers is failed. The SMTP and SNMP configuration
will be also the same across the master and slave controllers. Should the
master controller is failed to send the event notification, the system will try
to send it through the slave controller, and vice versa.

Task progress data

The task progress data of a controller’s background task will be
synchronized to the peer controller. If one controller fails, the other can
resume the background task of the failed controller.


Two controllers will keep syncing the Real Time Clock (RTC) in a fixed
period of time.


The redundant controller system must have the two controllers to be
operated in the same firmware version. There are four scenarios for
firmware version update.

• Boot State Update

Upon system boot, if the firmware version and boot code of the two
controllers are unmatched, the system will have prompt text shown on
the LCD. The user needs to select the target version or boot code through
the LCD menu interface.

• Failback State Update

When the backup controller’s firmware version is different with the survival
controller, the survival controller will automatically synchronize the
firmware to the backup controller to make the two controllers with the
same firmware version. The user needs to confirm the firmware update by
pressing the button on the LCD panel to continue the automatic

• Normal State Update

The normal state indicates that two controllers are normally in use. When
the system receives a firmware update command, it first updates the
primary flash and then the secondary flash on both controllers. After that,
the system will execute non-interruptible firmware update to make the
redundant-controller system always remains online.