1 me-ags-n functional tests using the me-rtr, 1 determining ags status, 2 starting the generator from the router – Magnum Energy ME-RTR Router User Manual

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2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.

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Using an AGS Module: Setup


ME-AGS-N Functional Tests using the ME-RTR

Once you have used your router to establish all the autostart/autostop settings you need, perform

the following tests to verify that the AGS system is functioning correctly and the communication

from the router/inverter to the ME-AGS-N is correct.

Determining AGS Status

Use your router to determine the AGS’s status by viewing the second line of the AGS Home screen.
To access the AGS Home screen:
1. Press and hold the METER button for 3 seconds. The System Home screen displays.
2. Rotate the SELECT knob (or press the PORT button) to the port# to which the AGS is connected.

This should be the AGS Home screen (“AGS Home” appears in the bottom right).

Info: The AGS status can also be viewed by pressing the METER button, rotating the

SELECT knob to the 04 AGS Meters menu, and then pressing the SELECT knob and

rotating it to the 04A AGS Status menu.

The AGS’s status should be Gen Off (Off) or Gen Ready (Redy). If it displays either status, then

the router/inverter is correctly communicating with the AGS. If the AGS status displayed is not

Off or Redy, then refer to Section 7.3.2 “Resolving AGS Faults using your Router” for assistance.

Starting the Generator from the Router

Before proceeding, ensure the AGS status is Off or Redy (see Section 7.2.1).
1. Press the CTRL button, and then turn the SELECT knob to the 03 Gen Control menu.
2. Press the SELECT knob, and then rotate it to the ON setting.
3. Press the SELECT knob again to turn on the generator.

Info: Once the generator starts, it should run until you change the 03 Gen Control

setting to OFF.

If your AGS/gen system started, and the STATUS LED on the AGS module turns solid green (after

two minutes), then the wiring from the AGS to the generator is correct. You are now ready to

enable the AGS by setting the 03 Gen Control setting to “AUTO” in your router (see Section 7.2.1).
If the router displays a generator fault, or the AGS module’s STATUS LED continues to blink or

shows a fault condition (solid red LED indication), refer to your AGS owner’s manual for assistance.

Info: A solid green STATUS LED means the generator has successfully started and is

providing the generator run sense signal to the AGS module .

Info: If the generator attempted to start but did not run, continue to wait—the AGS will

attempt to start the generator three more times. If the generator fails to start after four

attempts, the STATUS LED will turn red—indicating a fault.

Info: When the SETUP button’s 04J Gen 100% SOC Start feature is enabled and a

generator SOC start is triggered, the router issues a one-time “Start Bulk” command

to the inverter/charger. This ensures—after the generator connects—that regardless of

battery voltage, a Bulk/Absorb charge cycle is started.
Info: When using the SETUP button’s 04J Gen 100% SOC Start feature, set the CTRL:

01 AC In Control menu to Auto Connect. This ensures the generator—once autostarted—

will connect and charge the battery.

Info: The ME-RTR contains a real time clock that must be set for proper operation of

the SETUP: 04J Gen 100% SOC Start feature.

Info: Once the BMK’s METER: 05A SOC menu displays 100%, the AGS stops the

generator and the BMK’s METER: 05I Days Since 100% SOC display resets to 0 Days.

Info: If the generator does not start (e.g., AGS fault, gen runs out of fuel, etc.,) despite

the gen SOC start criteria being met, an additional day must increment before another

attempt is made.