Magnum Energy ME-RTR Router User Manual
Page 92
2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.
Page 84
Using an AGS Module: Setup
How does the Gen Run Temp feature work? When the temperature around the remote
temperature sensor (based on the METER: 04D AGS Temp display) increases to the Gen Run
Start Temp setting, the generator immediately starts and runs based on the Gen Temp Run Time
setting. When this run time period is fi nished, the temperature sensor reading is checked. If the
temperature sensor (or thermostat control if using optional pigtail adapter) reading is below the
Start Temp setting, the generator will autostop. If the temperature sensor (or thermostat control)
reading is above the Start Temp setting, the generator will continue to run for a another run
time period. At the end of this run time period, the temperature sensor reading (or thermostat
control) is checked again. If the temperature sensor reading is still above the Start Temp setting,
the generator will continue to run as long as the CTRL: 03 Gen Control menu is set to AUTO and
the SETUP: 04F Max Gen Run Time setting has not been reached.
Why would I use Gen Run Temp? Typically, in a mobile application such as in an RV or on a boat
where the air conditioning (A/C) unit is too much power for the inverter to run from the batteries,
this feature is used to start a generator to run the A/C unit. Many RV and marine customers travel
with pets and they do not want to leave the pets inside on a hot day. With this feature, you could
set the A/C unit to turn on and leave. Whenever the inside temperature rises to the start setting,
the AGS commands the generator to autostart; which provides power to the A/C unit so that it
can now run and cool the pet area. This would keep the area cool and comfortable—plus, while
the generator is on, the inverter batteries are being charged.
Should I use the Remote Temperature Sensor or the External Input? If your A/C unit
provides a thermostat connection or you want to set up an external relay control circuit, then
the external input (ExtInput) selection will work for you. When using the external input setting,
you must connect an optional AGS pigtail adapter (ME-PT1 or ME-PT2) to the AGS’s REMOTE
port. When the pigtail adapter recognizes an external command, the AGS will begin a generator
autostart sequence.
Info: The ME-PT1 requires a +12-volt to common ground input, and the ME-PT2
requires a two-terminal dry contact input.
Without any connection to an external control circuit, the remote temperature sensor cable must
be used. This cable is provided with the AGS and is 60’ in length with the sensor wired to the end
and covered with heat shrink. The sensor must be placed in the location that is required to be
monitored for temperature and the Gen Run Temp Start setting must be set.
Where should I set Gen Run Temp Start? If you are using this feature to power an A/C unit, the
Start Temp setting should be slightly above the temperature setting of the thermostat controlling
the air conditioner unit—to ensure the A/C unit will run once the generator starts. Once the Start
Temp setting is reached, the generator will start providing power to the A/C unit.
If the Start Temp setting is below that of the A/C unit’s thermostat setting, the generator could
be commanded to autostart; but because the thermostat has not reached its start temperature,
the A/C unit wouldn’t have turned on yet. In other words, your generator would be running, but
the A/C unit would not be running—resulting in wasted fuel and the area not being cooled down.
Info: If using the temperature autostart feature to start a generator that is powering
two air conditioners, it is suggested that the second air conditioner’s thermostat be
set 2° to 5° higher than the fi rst air conditioner. This staggered setting allows the fi rst
air conditioner to start and run in an effort to keep the coach cool. If the temperature
continues to rise inside the coach, the second air conditioner would then turn on.
How long should I set the Gen Run Temp Time? When using the remote temperature sensor
cable and setting the Gen Run Temp Start temperature, the Run Time setting must be set. When
the temperature rises to the Start Temp setting, the generator autostarts and runs until either
the Run Time setting or the SETUP: 04F Max Gen Run Time when Autostarted setting is reached,
whichever occurs fi rst. At the end of the Run Time setting, the temperature around the sensor is
checked. If the temperature is still above the Temp Start setting, the generator will continue to
run for another Run Time setting. This means you could set the time to the lowest time setting
(0.5 Hrs), knowing the generator will attempt to run until the temperature setting is met.