Magnum Energy ME-RTR Router User Manual
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2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.
Using an AGS Module: Setup
Info: The METER: 05 BMK Meters/05A BMK SOC meter must have a valid SOC number
for the 04D Gen to determine when to start and stop based on the battery SOC. Under
the METER/05 BMK Meters/05A BMK SOC menu, Think’n, No Comm, or any BMK fault
(i.e., Factory Fault, Power-up Fault, or Unknown Fault ##) are not valid SOC numbers.
Info: When the 04D Gen Run SOC feature is enabled and a generator SOC start is
triggered, the router issues a one-time “Start Bulk” command to the inverter/charger.
This ensures—after the generator connects—that regardless of battery voltage, a Bulk/
Absorb charge cycle is started.
Where should I set Gen Run SOC? Most battery manufacturers recommend that for optimum
battery life, deep-cycle batteries should not be discharged below 50% SOC. The ME-BMK determines
the battery’s SOC by using a DC shunt to measure the fl ow of current in and out of the battery.
Many refer to a SOC meter as a “fuel gauge” for your batteries, since this meter gives you an
accurate reading of how much capacity is remaining in the battery bank.
Set the Start SOC level to 50%, or to 60% if you do not want to discharge the batteries quite
as much. When considering the Stop SOC setting, keep in mind that running the generator past
90% SOC delivers very little current to get that last 10% into the batteries. Thus, it is common
to stop the generator at 90% to save fuel and run time on the generator. However, if the SOC
stop setting is less than 100%, the batteries should be charged to 100% as often as possible (~
once per week, or every other discharge cycle) in order to avoid sulfation of the battery plates
(see the SETUP: 04J Gen 100% SOC Start feature).
SETUP: 04E Gen Run Temp Menu
This menu allows you to automatically start the generator, either from an external temperature
sensor, or by receiving an external input command from an A/C thermostat—typically, to power
an A/C unit for cooling—based on an increase in temperature.
Note: This temperature autostart feature requires that the AGS’s remote temp sensor cable or
an optional ME-PT1 or ME-PT2 pigtail adapter be connected to the AGS’s REMOTE (purple) port.
Info: The optional ME-PT1 or ME-PT2 pigtail adapters can be used to connect an A/C or
relay control circuit. For more info, refer to the instruction sheet for each pigtail adapter
(part number 64-0025 for ME-PT1 instructions, or 64-0026 for ME-PT2 instructions).
• Set Gen Run Temp (Start Temp) – This menu enables and sets the temperature that triggers
a generator autostart. If the temp start feature is not needed, set to the OFF position.
Default setting: Start Temp = OFF
Range: OFF, ExtInput, 65F-95F (18C-35C*)
◊ ExtInput – This setting is used when an optional pigtail adapter (ME-PT1, or ME-PT2) is
used. When an AGS pigtail adapter is connected to the AGS’s REMOTE port, an external
command—either from a thermostat connection on an air conditioner control circuit or
external relay control circuit—is recognized and causes the AGS to begin a generator
autostart sequence. Once the external command is no longer recognized, an autostop
sequence is given and the generator stops after a minimum two-minute delay.
◊ 65F – 95F (18C – 35C) – These settings determine the rising temperature value that
triggers a generator temperature autostart.
Default setting: Start Temp = 65F (18C*)
Range: 65F-95F (18C-35C*)
□ Set Gen Run Temp (Run Time) – This menu sets the amount of time the generator
runs after a temperature autostart when using the remote temperature sensor.
Default setting: Run Time = 2.0 Hrs
Range: 0.5-25.5 Hrs (0.5 hr increments)
Info: The Run Time in this menu uses the METER button’s 04C Gen Run Time display
to determine the generator’s run time.
*Setting shown in Celsius if SETUP/01 System Setup/01D Temp Display has ‘Celsius’ selected.