1 accessory setup – Magnum Energy ME-RTR Router User Manual
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2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.
◊ Set Final Charge Stage = Silent – If Silent mode is selected as the fi nal charge stage,
the charger stops charging once it transitions to ‘Silent’. Normally, the charger enters Silent
mode after the absorption charge mode has fi nished, and after entering the Silent mode, the
battery voltage is continuously monitored. If the batteries fall to the Set DC Volts to Rebulk
value, the charger restarts the Bulk Charge mode and then transitions to Absorption Charge
mode. After the Absorption Charge mode, the charger again transitions to Silent mode.
This silent to rebulk to absorb and back to silent cycle will continue as long as it is required.
See Figure 3-16.
□ Set DC Volts to ReBulk – When Silent mode is selected, you must also set the DC voltage
set-point where the charger restarts the Bulk Charge mode. This setting should be at the
lowest DC volts you want the batteries to fall before starting a new bulk charge. Typically,
the lowest DC volts the batteries are allowed to fall is 12.0 to 12.2 VDC (12-volt systems),
24.0 to 24.4 VDC (24-volt systems), and 48.0 to 48.8 VDC (48-volt systems), respectively.
Default setting: DC Volts to ReBulk = 12.0 VDC(12v), 24.0 VDC(24v), 48.0 VDC (48v)
Ranges: 12.0-16.0 VDC (12v), 24.0-32.0 VDC (24v), 48.0-64.0 VDC (48v)
Why should I use the Silent Stage? Silent mode is typically used when an alternate charge
source is available and able to fully charge or fi nish the charge cycle after the Absorb stage. A
major difference between Multi-Stage mode and Silent mode is that the Silent mode returns to
Bulk mode instead of Float mode. In Silent mode you can also adjust the rebulk set-point in order
to allow the alternate charge source to provide more of the battery charging.
• 03G Days to remind when to EQ: This menu sets the number of days that must pass before
the router will remind you to equalize your batteries.
Note: If “CC/CV Controlled” displays on this menu’s screen, you will not be able to adjust the
settings as “CC/CV” has been selected as the battery type from the 03C Battery Type menu.
Default setting: OFF
Range: OFF, 1-255 Days
Info: Once equalizing begins, the METER: 03B Days Since: EQ Chg Started timer resets
to zero days. Accessory
Like the previous SETUP menu items, the accessory SETUP menus are accessed through the SETUP
button and the accessory’s “Home” screen under the PORT button. However, the AGS Setup, BMK
Setup, or RC Setup menus only display if the related accessory is connected and communicating
with the router unless the TECH: 07 Show all Menus menu has been set to “YES”. Refer to Section
3.3.5 for more info on the TECH 07 menu. Otherwise, “No *** Present” appears when accessing
any menu that uses the specifi c accessory.
Note: *** refers to the accessory not present (i.e., “No AGS Present”, “No BMK Present”, or “No
Remote Present”).
SETUP: 04 AGS Setup
This menu is used to set up the functions related to the ME-AGS-N (Automatic Generator Start
– Network version). Refer to Section 7.0 “Using an AGS Module” for detailed information on the
available AGS menus using the router.
Info: For additional information on the ME-AGS-N, refer to your AGS owner’s manual
(PN: 64-0039).
SETUP: 05 BMK Setup
The ME-BMK/ME-BMK-NS (Battery Monitor Kit) accurately measures the SOC (State Of Charge),
battery voltage, and the DC amps of the battery bank. Refer to Section 8.0 “Using a BMK” for
detailed information on the available BMK menus using the router.
Info: For additional information on the ME-BMK/ME-BMK-NS, refer to your BMK owner’s
manual (PN: 64-0013)