Magnum Energy ME-RTR Router User Manual

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2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.

Using an AGS Module: Setup

SETUP: 04H Gen Exercise Menu
This menu allows the generator to run (or “exercise”) after it has not been operated for a period

of time. The generator is automatically started at a pre-selected time whenever it exceeds a set

number of days without running.
Once the start command is initiated, the generator starts and runs to help it remain operational

and to allow the generator’s starting battery to be charged.

Info: The ME-RTR contains a real time clock that must be set for proper operation of

the SETUP: 04H Gen Exercise menu feature.

• Set Gen Exercise (Start Gen Days) This menu sets the maximum number of days the

generator is allowed to sit without running. If the generator has not run in this number of days,

the exercise parameters will start the generator. The Start Gen Days setting must be between

1-255 days in order to enable the Gen Exercise feature.

Default setting: Start Gen Days = OFF
Range: OFF, 1-255 Days

• Set Gen Exercise (Start Time) This menu sets the time of day the generator starts once

it reaches the Start Gen Days setting.

Range: 12:00AM-11:45PM (15 minute increments)

• Set Gen Exercise (Run Time) This menu sets the maximum number of hours the generator

will run once started by the Start Gen Days and Start Time settings.

Range: 0.1-25.5 Hrs

Why should I use Gen Exercise? Exercising your generator is one of the most overlooked

aspects of routine maintenance, yet its the simplest to perform. Regularly exercising your generator

keeps engine seals and components lubricated, prevents oxidation of electrical contacts, uses up

fuel before it deteriorates, heats up the generator windings to eliminate moisture buildup, helps

ensure the generator’s starting battery is maintained at an optimal state of charge, and in general,

helps provide reliable engine starting. If long periods of time elapse without using your generator

(remains connected to external AC power), or if you only use your generator a few days out of

the year, enabling the Gen Exercise feature is recommended.
How often and how long should I exercise my generator? To maximize reliability and

minimize repairs, exercise your generator at least once per month. This applies to both gas and

diesel generators. When generators sit unused for as little as 30 days moisture can build up. Also,

the fuel in gasoline-powered generators can begin to break down into gums and varnishes that

clog the fuel system. Fuel varnishing results in hard starting and surging—a surging generator

may not settle at a stable operating speed. Always check with your generator’s manufacturer to

determine how to properly exercise your generator. Generally, it is recommended that you run

the generator every month for two hours under at least half the rated load. For example, with

a 5,000 watt generator, turn on a load(s) that is about 2,500 watts, and let it run continuously

for two hours. It is always best to run the generator for longer periods of time, rather than for

multiple short periods.
How does this Gen Exercise feature work? The Gen Exercise feature allows the generator to

autostart at a pre-selected time (Start Time setting) whenever it has not run for a set number

of days (Start Gen Days setting). Once the Gen Exercise feature is enabled—by setting the Start

Gen Days setting—the generator will start and begin exercising only after two conditions are met.

First, the generator must not have run for a set number of days (i.e., the days shown under the

Days Since Run timer must be equal to or greater than the Start Gen Days setting). Second, the

generator’s exercise time of day (Start Time setting) must occur.

Info: When the generator starts and runs per the gen exercise criteria, the generator

power passes thru the inverter to the inverter loads—if the inverter is enabled to accept

AC power on its input—and also charges the inverter batteries (if the charger is enabled).

Info: The Gen Exercise feature identifi es the number of days since the generator has

last run by using the Since Run Days timer—see METER: 04E Since Run Days display.