Magnum Energy ME-RTR Router User Manual

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2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.

Using an AGS Module: Setup

SETUP: 04B Gen Run Time Menu
This menu starts and stops the generator based on a specifi c time of day. This feature uses the

ME-RTR’s internal clock to start and stop the generator at the selected times.

Info: Ensure the router’s clock is correct. Refer to Section 3.3.4 for guidance on setting

the time on the router clock.

Info: The ME-RTR clock is powered from the inverter thru the remote cable. If the ME-

RTR or inverter loses power, the clock will lose the correct time and must be reset.

• Set Gen Run Time (Start Daily) – This setting allows you to set a time at which the generator

automatically turns on each day. Select OFF to disable the Gen Run Time feature.

Default setting: Start Daily = OFF
Range: OFF, 12:00AM-11:45PM (15 minute increments)

• Set Gen Run Time (Stop Daily) – This setting allows you to set a time at which the generator

automatically turns off each day.

Default setting: Stop Daily = 12:00AM
Range: 12:00AM-11:45PM (15 minute increments)

Why would you want to start/stop the generator daily? Starting/stopping at a particular

time of day is useful if you want to run the generator for other uses while charging the batteries.

You may require the generator to run a heavy load (like a well pump or machinery) every day at

the same time; or, to run while at work each day to have charged batteries when you get home,

and to avoid having to hear it run.
SETUP: 04C Gen Run AC Amps Menu
This menu starts the generator based on the amount of AC amps needed to handle the load the

inverter is running.

Info: The METER button’s 02C System AC Amps (AC Load) menu is used to determine

how much load the inverter is currently running when in Inverter mode.

Info: The 04C Gen Run AC Amps menu is only applicable to Magnum’s MS-PAE, MS-PE,

and MSH Series inverters.

• Set Gen Run AC Amps (Start AC Amps) – This setting determines when the generator would

start depending on the AC amps level of the load the inverter is running. The load’s amps level

must be continuously maintained above the Start AC Amps setting for the duration of the Start

Delay setting in order for the generator to autostart.

Default setting: Start AC Amps = OFF
Range: OFF, 5-60 Amps

• Set Amps Delay Time (Start Delay) – This setting determines the amount of time that the

inverter load’s current must continuously remain above the Start AC Amps setting for the AGS

to initiate an autostart.

Default setting: Start Delay = 120secs
Range: 0-127 Seconds, then 1-127 Minutes

• Set Gen Run AC Amps (Stop AC Amps) – This setting determines when the generator would

stop depending on the drop in the AC amps level of the load the inverter is running. The load’s

amps level must be continuously maintained below the Stop AC Amps setting for the duration

of the Stop Delay setting in order for the generator to autostop.

Default setting: Stop AC Amps = 4 Amps
Range: 4-59 Amps

• Set Amps Delay Time (Stop Delay) – This setting determines the amount of time the AC

load must continuously remain below the Stop AC Amps setting before the generator autostops.

Default setting: Stop Delay = 120secs
Range: 0-127 Seconds, then 1-127 Minutes