Magnum Energy ME-RTR Router User Manual
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2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.
Example – Active Low: Set Close Volts below Open Volts voltage. If the Close Volts voltage is
set at 24.0 VDC and the Open Volts voltage is set at 29.0 VDC, the relay would close when the
battery voltage dropped to 24.0 VDC and open when the battery voltage rises to 29.0 VDC. This
configuration might be used to control a battery exhaust fan or as a simple PV charge controller.
Example – Active High: Set Close Volts above the Open Volts voltage. If the Open Volts voltage
is set at 24.0 VDC and the Close Volts voltage is set at 29.0 VDC, the relay would open when the
battery voltage dropped to 24.0 VDC and close when the battery voltage rises to 29.0 VDC. This
configuration might be used to control a low voltage disconnect circuit for a DC load.
◊ Open
Delay – Use to delay the opening of the Aux Relay contact once the battery voltage
trip point has been reached. This sets a hysteresis so the Aux Relay does not cycle unnecessarily.
◊ Close
Delay – Use to delay the close of the Aux Relay contact once the battery voltage trip
point has been reached. This sets a hysteresis so the Aux Relay does not cycle unnecessarily.
Default settings: Open & Close Delay = 10 secs
Range: Open & Close Delay = 0-127 secs, then 1-127 mins
Info: The Close/Open Volts and Open/Close Delay settings are only available if the Auto
VDC or Auto VDC (BTS Comp) options have been selected (CTRL: 04 RTR Aux Relay).
Example: The Aux Relay is set to Auto VDC. The Open Volts setting is 29.0 VDC and the Close
Volts setting is 24.0 VDC, and the Open Delay and Close Delay settings are set to 10 seconds.
When the battery voltage reaches 24.0 VDC, after a 10-second delay the Aux Relay will close and
the LED will illuminate. When the battery voltage reaches 29.0 VDC, after a 10-second delay the
Aux Relay will open and the Aux Relay LED indicator will turn off.
• 01G Aux Relay SOC: The Aux Relay becomes a battery SOC-controlled relay when Auto SOC
is selected from the CTRL/04 RTR Aux Relay menu. It can be programmed to open or close on
the battery’s State of Charge using the following settings.
Note: Requires a ME-BMK battery monitor to provide SOC values to the inverter.
◊ Open – The battery SOC trip point at which the Aux Relay contacts will open. This setting
can be below or above the Close SOC setting, depending on if you want the Aux Relay to be
active low (i.e., set Open below Close) or active high (i.e., set Open above Close).
◊ Close – The battery SOC trip point at which the Aux Relay contacts will close. This setting
can be below or above the Open SOC setting, depending on if you want the Aux Relay to be
active low (i.e., set Open below Close) or active high (i.e., set Open above Close).
Default settings: Open = 50%; Close = 100%
Range: Open & Close = 20-100%
Info: The METER: 05 BMK Meters/05A BMK SOC meter must have a valid SOC number
for the Aux Relay to determine when to start and stop based on the battery SOC. Under
the METER/05 BMK Meters/05A BMK SOC menu, Think’n, No Comm, or any BMK fault
(i.e., Factory Fault, Power-up Fault, or Unknown Fault ##) are not valid SOC numbers.
SETUP: 02 Inverter Setup
The following menus (02A – 02D) are used to set up only the functions related to the Inverting
mode of the inverter/charger.
• 02A
Watts: Allows turning off the Search Watts feature or adjusting the power level
to determine when the inverter leaves Search mode. If not needed, select Sensitivity = OFF.
When search is turned off, the inverter continuously provides full AC voltage to the loads.
Default setting: Sensitivity = 5 Watts
Range: OFF, 5-50 Watts
Info: When the Search Watts feature is active, “Searching” appears on the top line of
the LCD display and the green INV LED will fl ash.