Magnum Energy ME-RTR Router User Manual

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2014 Magnum Energy, Inc.

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Should I use the Parallel Threshold feature? Depends on the application. Most applications

set a threshold level such that the connected slave inverters come on only when required to power

the loads. This reduces the power drain on the batteries because the slave inverters that are not

actively powering the loads are in standby. On the other hand, if you have a load larger than the

capacity of the master inverter and the startup current is needed very quickly, you may need to

turn the threshold setting to OFF. This ensures all the stacked inverters are always on to meet

the fast startup current requirements of this large load.
Where should I set the Parallel Threshold? Depends on typical AC loads and how much time

you want the master inverter to run (versus the slaves). If you want the master inverter to run

as much of the loads as possible before the slave(s) turn on, then set the threshold at a higher

setting. If you want the slave(s) to share more of the load, then set the threshold to a lower setting.
Example: Loads are typically under 4000W and you have a 3-inverter parallel system. You want

the Master to run loads up to 3000W before the slave inverters turn on. Set the parallel threshold

to 75% (4000W x .75 = 3000W). The Master inverter will now run any load up to 3000W before the

slave inverters turn on. In this scenario, if a 5000W load was turned on, the slave inverters would

turn on, and then Slave 2 would turn off, and the Master and Slave 1 would each run at 2500W.
SETUP: 03 Charger Setup
• 03A AC Input Amps:
This setting ensures that the combined current draw from the battery

charger and the AC loads does not exceed the maximum input current that is available from

the incoming AC power. This setting is used to set that maximum input current level. Whenever

the incoming AC is connected and passing thru the inverter, the current from the incoming

AC used to power the AC loads and charge the batteries is monitored. If this current begins

to approach the AC Input Amps setting, the charger current is automatically reduced. This

ensures the AC loads have all the available current from the incoming AC power when needed.
If using a MSH-M or MSH-RE (Hybrid) inverter, the AC input settings also determine when

the battery current begins to operate in parallel with the incoming AC power to support the

inverter loads, known as Load Support. The Load Support feature uses additional power from

the inverter’s battery to run loads greater than what the incoming AC power can run alone,

and prioritizes the power of any external DC source (e.g., solar, wind, etc.,) over the incoming

AC power to run inverter loads. For more information, see the Load Support Mode section in

the MSH-M or MSH-RE Series Owner’s Manual.

Setting for all models except MSH4024RE:

◊ Set AC Input Amps

Default setting: 30 Amps
Range: 5-60 Amps

Settings for MSH4024RE:

◊ Set AC Input Amps (AC1 and AC2)

Default setting: AC1 = 30 Amps, AC2 =



Ranges: 5-60 Amps

CAUTION: Unless you have an MS Hybrid Series inverter/charger—which has the Load

Support feature—the AC Input Amps setting only limits the current to the battery, it

does not limit the current to the inverter loads. If the current from the loads on the

output of the inverter is greater than the circuit breaker rating on the incoming AC

source, you will experience nuisance tripping.

Where should I set AC Input Amps? This setting needs to be set differently depending on your

inverter/charger model—as described below:
ME, MS, and RD Series: These models connect to a single AC source and have two inputs (HOT

IN 1 and HOT IN 2), but the current is only monitored on HOT IN 1. On these models—when wired

as a dual-in confi guration or as a single-in confi guration with only the HOT IN 1 connected—the

AC Input Amps setting should be set to the size of the AC circuit breaker that feeds the HOT IN

1 input. On these models, when wired as a single-in confi guration with HOT IN 1 and HOT IN 2

jumped together, set the AC Input Amps setting to half (x½) the input breaker size—as half the

current will pass through HOT IN 1 and the other half through HOT IN 2 simultaneously.