Lthtrgt> function block operation notes – Yaskawa MP2000 User Manual

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Function Block Operation Notes

• Rising edge of EXECUTE input initiates block operation, and the following block

input values are read once: AXIS, DISTSTRT, DISTEND, DFLTDIST, and

• To use the function block, the EXECUTE bit must be held ON. If the EXECUTE

bit goes off during operation, the block will finish move but all outputs will be set
to zero.

• DISTBYND is only read at the Latch Event.

• The


output bit will be held high until: move is completed, EXECUTE

goes low, or an Error occurs.

• LATCHED output will turn on if a latch was received within the window during the

move (IB**0C2=ON).

• DONE bit turns on when the move is completed. (IW**08=0 running completion

of operation).

• If



input bit goes off during operation, all outputs will go to zero and

the axis will travel to the default distance unless the latch was detected prior to
the bit going low. In that case the axis will go the distance beyond the Latch

• Latch is only active between the latch start and latch end window, defined by


and DISTEND inputs. If the latch occurs inside the window the axis

will travel the DISTBYND input value beyond the latched position. If a latch
occurs outside the window, it will be ignored because the latch is disabled (the
motion command changes back). In this case, the axis will go the default
distance DFLTDIST.

• If the Latch occurs during the deceleration part of the default distance curve (and

it is within the defined window), the axis will accelerate at the defined rate to set
speed to achieve the final distance move.

• All distance inputs are relative to the start position except the DISTBYND input.

It is relative to the latch position.

• The Distance beyond value should be sufficient a distance for the axis to come to

a stop with the set deceleration value or the axis will have to back up to the point

• The latch detection signal is selected by LTSEL input. 0= C phase pulse, 1=/

EXT1, 2=/ EXT2 and 3=/ EXT3

• Eleven words are used as working registers for this function, starting at the

address in Data11W.

File: MP2000_IndividualFunctionDocument_RevC 73/168
Doc Number: eng.MCD.05.101
