Read rda parameter function, Rdparam> function block summary, Rdparam> function block operation notes – Yaskawa MP2000 User Manual

Page 142: Rdparam

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Function block for MP2000 series

Function Block Summary

This function block reads the parameters of the RDA. The output is always a long even if the parameter
is a word or a bit. For bits the value will be a 1 for true and a 0 for false. The parameter input value is the
RDA number from the PLC Open Specification.

Function Block Diagram

Function Block Operation Notes

• To use the function block, the EXECUTE bit must be True, and AXIS and

PARAMETER will be constantly read.

• The block will continue to monitor the RDA for Values as long as the EXECUTE

input stays True. If the EXECUTE bit goes low the outputs will be set to zero.

• Even though the VALUE output is a long it will also represent the bits and words.

• Six words are used as working registers for this function, starting at the address

in Data06W.

File: MP2000_IndividualFunctionDocument_RevC 142/168
Doc Number: eng.MCD.05.101
