Yaskawa MP2000 User Manual

Page 15

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File: MP2000_IndividualFunctionDocument_RevC 15/168
Doc Number:



• CAM Table: Cam table is expected to be in 32-bit long integer words. Hence,

each CAM table master/slave pair entry will take up 4 16-bit regular words (two
words for master, two words for slave). The first long word of every table
contains the table size in points. Example of a cam table with 10 master/slave
pairs consumes MW04000 thru MW04041 where ML04000=10, ML04002=first
master position, ML04004=first slave position, ML04006=second master position,
ML04038=tenth master position, ML04040=tenth slave position. The M register
address range is 0000-29999.
Range of register:

MW00000 to MW29999 (M-register limit is 00000 – 29999 due to RDA)
CW00000 to CW16382 (C-register limit is 0-16382)
DW00000 to DW16382 (D-register limit is 0-16382)

• One-way vs Cyclic camming comment: If the first and last slave positions are

identical then it is a cyclic cam, otherwise it is treated as a one-way cam, and the
slave will be offset by the difference each end of profile is reached (this is to
prevent it from jumping).

• Note that the master/slave pairs are separated by 50 words in the RDA (up to 10

pairs). Example: Master/Slave pair #1 starts at MW56000, Master/Slave pair #2
starts at MW56050, Master/Slave pair #3 starts at MW56100, etc

• Internal Operation1: This block uses Motion Command Code. When the master

reaches the engage position, the output of the function generator (FGN) function
is assumed to be the current position of the slave. Any error in these positions is
placed into an offset to avoid motor jumping. The slave command position
(position control mode) is updated each scan from the function generator (FGN)
output multiplied by cam scale and shifted by the slave offset. The result is
placed in OL**1C position command register for the slave axis

• Internal Operation2: Under normal operation, the camming block operates in

‘Interpolation mode’ (OW**08=4). If a latch block is used to capture a latched
position, the mode will be switched to ‘Interpolation mode with latch’ (OW**08=6).
After the latch occurs, the block is returned to standard ‘Interpolation mode’. This
switching feature happens in the background without affecting intended slave
camming motion

• Thirty-two words are used as working registers for this function, starting at the

address in Data32W.

• E-Stop Condition: Control Power of both the Servo pack and the Controller are

ON and Main power of the Servo Pack is OFF while CAM is engaged.

• E-Stop Recovery motion: The Slave axis moves to the designated position based

on the current Master position at the speed set in the RECVSPD [counts/sec].