Axisend> function block summary, Axisend> function block operation note, Axisend – Yaskawa MP2000 User Manual

Page 3: Axis end function

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Doc Number:



AXIS END function

Function block for MP2000 series

Function Block Summary

This function block writes necessary values to the RDA at the end of the motion scan cycle. This block is
essential if any of the Blocks in the set are to be used.

Function Block Diagram

Function Block Operation Note

NOTE: SVON and AXISEND blocks must be used together, all motion type
blocks for a specific axis must be placed between the SVON and AXISEND
blocks. This block must be used in the High Speed Scan drawings, and should
be the last block executed after all other motion function blocks within the scan.

• This block writes values from RDA to specific axis control registers required for

controlling motion. This block was created to reduce the overall volume of code
in all other function blocks for multi axis. It handles circuit number and axis
number within the circuit, and relates it to the logical axis number selected by the
programmer from the RDAINIT blocks.

• Example: for axis #1, this block writes to OW8000 RUN mode, OW8003, the unit

selection, OW8004 latch demand detection signal selection, OW8005 home
position return, OW8008 motion command code, OW8009 motion command
control flag, OL8010 speed reference, OL801C positioning command, OL802A
latch zone lower limit of the interval setting, OL802C latch zone upper limit
setting, OL8036 acceleration time, OL8038 deceleration time, (see RDA matrix
for details)

• This block also writes to ERRORID1 and ERRORID2

• One word is used as working registers for this function, starting at the address in

