Yaskawa MP2000 User Manual
Page 159

Hyper-Terminal Serial Port (PC COM1) Setup
Setting the serial interface on the PC
COM1 for ASCII communication is as
follows. (Hyper-Terminal is used)
Baud rate:9600bps
Data length:8bit
Parity bit:Even number
Stop bit:1 Stop
Flow control:Hardware
Setup of ASCII-IN function
The ASCII-IN function block is inserted in the Low Speed
drawing L01, called from L using the LadderWorks editor (see
block on right). It is important to also note that the function
block uses 30 words of local registers, care must be taken not to
overwrite those registers. In this example, local I/O is used to
control the function block execution.
Note that the “START” input is set to 4032. With the “SIZE”
input set to 16, the Character table source is then setup from
MW04032 through MW04039 (8 16-bit words holds 16 ASCII
characters), The CIR input is set to 1 to indicate Port#1 will be
used to receive ASCII characters from the PC Htperterminal.
Also MW30000 and higher are reserved for function block
operation (RDA). Avoid using RDA area for ASCII character table.
Making of ASCII file (TEXT file)
The character string can be created in a Text file like Notepad.
Test of program operation
Execution of the function block is started by switching ‘on’ input bit IB04100. Then send
the Text file with the HyperTerminal. The received characters are seen in the Register
File: MP2000_IndividualFunctionDocument_RevC 159/168
Doc Number: eng.MCD.05.101