On-air playback, Conducting credits playback, Using the call function – Teac HS-4000 User Manual

Page 99: Using the on air button to switch between, Rehearsal/confirmation playback and actual, See “using the on air, 10 – on-air mode

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10 – On-air mode

Examples of playback areas when the ON AIR button

is ON, Follow BWF-J is ON and the BC$ END mode is

Jump to Standby






1st Take

2nd Take

3rd Take

4th Take

Played area

Played area

Played area

Played area

The next take has a BC$STANDBY
mark, so playback goes up to the
BC$END mark.

The next take has a BC$STANDBY
mark, so playback goes up to the
BC$END mark.

The next take has no BC$STANDBY
mark, so playback goes to the end of
the Take.

There is no next take, so playback
goes to the end of the Take.

Using the ON AIR button to switch

between rehearsal/confirmation

playback and actual playback modes

On the Home Screen or ON AIR LIST screen, press the ON AIR

button to switch between rehearsal/confirmation playback and

actual play modes.

ON AIR button ON (red): actual playback mode

The CREDITS 7 button is disabled, and only the on-air

mode playback area can be played back. (See “Playback

areas in on-air mode” on page 98.).)
The CREDITS 7, ON AIR LIST screen check and file name

buttons are disabled.
When you switch from OFF to ON, the transport jumps to

the beginning of the first take and enters playback standby.

ON AIR button OFF: rehearsal/confirmation playback


The CREDITS 7 button is enabled, and locating to and

playing back any part of a take is possible.
When you switch from ON to OFF, playback stops at the

current position.


The ON AIR button only function when playback is stopped

or in standby.

On-air playback

Press the PLAY key to start playback.
Press the PAUSE key to enter playback standby.
To end playback standby, press the PLAY key.
Press the STOP (RETAKE) key to stop playback.
Use the. [MARK.] and / [MARK /] keys to switch

Press and hold the m [

] key or , [

] key to

search backward or forward.
Press the. [MARK.] or / [MARK /] key while pressing

and holding the SHIFT key to move between marks.
Press and hold the m[

] or ,[

] key while pressing

and holding the SHIFT key to search at high-speed.


On the PLAY SETUP screen, you can set whether only the

currently selected entry is played or whether all the entries

within the current playlist are played. In addition, you can

also turn repeat playback on and off (in single and dual

modes). (See “Online function” on page 35.)

Playback can also be controlled via the PARALLEL


Conducting credits playback

1. On the Home Screen or ON AIR LIST screen, press the ON AIR

button to turn it off.

2. Use the file name selection buttons on the ON AIR LIST

screen or the.//keys to select the current take.


Only files that are valid for on-air playback can be selected

as the current take.

When you turn the unit on, switch the sampling frequency

or switch to on-air mode, the first file in the list of files

available for on-air playback is selected as the current take.

3. On the Home Screen or ON AIR LIST screen, touch the

CREDITS 7 button to start credits playback from the

beginning of the current take and stop at the appropriate


When the Follow BWF-J setting is ON, playback is from

the beginning of the file to the first BC$STANDBY mark.

When the Follow BWF-J setting is OFF, playback is from

the beginning of the file to the first mark.

If a selected file does not have a valid mark, playback will

continue until the end of the file and then stop.

During playback, the take name button on the ON AIR LIST

screen will become green.

4. During credits playback, touch the CREDITS 7 button to



The file name selection and CREDITS 7 buttons on the ON

AIR LIST screen can be used when playback is stopped and

the ON AIR button is off and during credits playback when

the ON AIR button is off.
They are disabled when the ON AIR button is ON and during

ordinary playback.

Using the call function

Press the CALL (CHASE) key to locate to the point where

playback was last started from playback standby (call point) and

put the unit in playback standby mode.