Level meters settings (meter setup), System settings (system setup), Een. (see – Teac HS-4000 User Manual

Page 112: 11 – internal settings, Preferences page

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11 – Internal settings

Level meters settings (METER SETUP)

Make level meter settings.

Metering Point

Set whether the meters show the signal before or after the

online faders.

Meters show the levels before the faders


Meters show the levels after the faders. In this

case, the button appears light blue.

Ref. Level Line

Touch to turn the reference level line that appears on the

level meter ON (default) or OFF.

Reference level line display ON

Over Level

Use this to set the level at which the overload indicator

The peak indication level is this amount below the

maximum level (full scale).
Touch this knob and use the DATA dial to adjust the level.
Setting options: −0.20 dB (default), −0.17 dB, −0.13 dB, −0.10

dB, −0.06 dB, −0.03 dB
This setting is reflected in the Audio Over setting of the Auto

Marker item on the OPTIONS page of the REC SETUP screen.

Peak Hold Time

Use this to set the peak hold time.
Touch this knob and use the DATA dial to adjust the time.
Setting options: 0 sec, 1 sec, 2 sec (default), inf (infinite hold)

Release Time

Use this to set the release time.
Touch this knob and use the DATA dial to adjust the time.
Setting options: Slow, Normal (default), Fast


If you press the EXIT/CANCEL (PEAK CLEAR) key when the

Home Screen is open, the peak hold display resets.

System settings (SYSTEM SETUP)

Make system settings on this screen.
The SYSTEM SETUP screen has 5 pages: PREFERENCES,


Touch the tabs at the bottom of the screen to open the corre-

sponding page.


Set system preferences on this page.

KBD Type

Set the connected keyboard type to either US for English-

language keyboards or JPN for Japanese keyboards.
Setting buttons: US, JPN (default)

ONLINE Function

Set whether or not to enable the online function (default:

Set to “Switchable” to allow online playback mode to be

enabled from from the ONLINE key on the front panel, the

parallel connector, serial connector (RS-232C) or a TASCAM

RC-HS32PD remote controller (sold separately).
Set to AlwaysON to not allow online playback to be used

and always output the sound from all connectors. (See

“Using the numeric entry screen to edit the playback

beginning and ending positions” on page 90.)

Auto Take Sort

When this setting is ON, the playback order of takes in the

current session will automatically be reordered by take

name in character code order at the times indicated below.
Setting buttons
OFF: Auto Take Sort function disabled (default)
ON: Auto Take Sort function enabled


Auto Take Sort execution timing


When the unit is started with media in the current slot


When media is inserted in the current slot


When the current slot is changed


When a project is loaded


When a session is loaded


Even if Auto Take Sort is set to ON, automatic take sorting

will not occur in the following circumstances. If you want

to reorder the playback order of takes by their names in

character code order after the following operations, use the

SORT button in the pull-up menu on the take list screen.

After stopping recording

After adding a file to the current session by FTP

After adding a file to the current session using the copy
