17 – messages – Teac HS-4000 User Manual

Page 139

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17 – Messages


Details and responses


Currently loaded playlist(s)

will be exported to PPL.

Overwrite latest PPL file?


The currently loaded playlist will be exported in PPL

Do you want to overwrite the last exported PPL file?

"pppppppp" = PPL file name

Currently loaded playlist [A or B] will be

exported to PPL "llllllll"

The currently loaded playlist will be exported in PPL


"llllllll" = name of playlist created

Currently loaded session

will be exported to AES31.


The currently loaded session will be exported to an

AES31 editing information file.

"aaaaaaaa" = name of AES31 editing

information file created

Currently loaded session

will be exported to AES31.

Overwrite latest AES31 file?


The currently loaded session will be exported in AES31

Do you want to overwrite the last exported AES31 file?

"aaaaaaaa" = AES31 file name

Delete all marks

of this type?

(Count: N)

Confirm the deletion of marks of the selected type.

N = number of marks of selected type

Delete N selected marks?

Confirm the deletion of the selected marks.

N = number of selected marks

Delete N selected project?

Confirm the deletion of the selected projects.

N = number of selected projects

Delete N selected playlist?

Confirm the deletion of the selected playlists.

N = number of selected playlists

Delete N selected session?

Confirm the deletion of the selected sessions.

N = number of selected sessions

Delete N selected take?

Confirm the deletion of the selected takes.

N = number of selected takes

Deleting Project…

A project is being deleted.

Deleting Playlist…

A playlist is being deleted.

Deleting Session…

A session is being deleted.

Deleting Take…

A take is being deleted.

Digital Input Error

CHx-x D-IN (Unlocked)

CHx-x D-IN (no signal)

CHx-x D-IN (not audio)

CHx-x D-IN (unmatched Cbit)

An error occurred with the digital input selected as the

input signal.

x = channel name
Unlocked: not synchronized with

no signal: no signal being input
not audio: Cbit information of input

signal is not audio
unmatched Cbit: other Cbit infor-

mation of input signal is different from

actual operation mode

Directory contents changed.

REBUILD required.


The contents of the folder were changed, so

rebuilding is necessary.

Directory contents changed

via FTP.

REBUILD required.


Rebuilding is necessary because the contents of the

folder were changed by FTP.

Edit Completed

Editing execution has been completed.

EDL Import completed

but there are some wrong regions.

EDL importing has completed, but one or more

regions have problems.

EDL Load completed

but there are some wrong regions.

EDL loading has completed, but one or more regions

have problems.

--- error ---


An error occurred while writing information.

Execute Insert?

CHa -> CHa'

CHb -> CHb'

CHc -> CHc'

CHd -> CHd'

Confirm execution of the insertion operation.

a/b/c/d = insertion source channel

a'/b'/c'/d' = insertion destination

channel number