Editing fade in/out lengths and levels, Using rehearsal playback functions, 9 – playlist mode – Teac HS-4000 User Manual

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9 – Playlist mode

Editing fade in/out lengths and levels

1. Press the HOME key on the front panel to open the Home


2. Touch a file name or title name button to open a pull-down

menu and touch the ADJUST ENTRY button to open the

ADJUST XXX screen ("XXX" is the entry number).


When you open the ADJUST XXX screen, playback stops.

3. Touch the Start TC Fade/Level tab to open the following


4. After selecting the Fade In, Fade Out or Level knob, turn the

DATA dial to set the value.
Setting ranges:

Fade In/Out Length: 0–30 seconds (0.1 second/step or

1.0 second/step when pressing and turning)

Level: −∞ to +10 dB


When changing the length of a fade in/out, the fade in/out

length settings are automatically restricted so that the fade

in/out length will not extend past the playback start or end


The set level is shown by the solid red line.

The reference level (0 dB) is shown by the dotted orange line.

Using rehearsal playback functions

On the ADJUST ENTRY screen, you can use the transport

functions to conduct rehearsal playback.

Other than using the. and / keys to move to file

beginnings, Start Points, End Points and file endings,

transport operations are the same as usual.

If you change the Start Point or Fade In Length, the

playback position will move to the Start Point. If you make

this change during playback, playback will resume after

moving to the new playback position.

If you change the End Point or Fade Out Length, the

playback position will move as follows. If you make this

change during playback, playback will resume after moving

to the new playback position.



End Point changed 2 seconds before

End Point

2 seconds before

Fade Out start


Fade Out Length


2 seconds before

Fade Out start


2 seconds before

Fade Out start


Use the PREVIEW button to change the rehearsal playback


Rehearsal playback when PREVIEW OFF

Fade IN/OUT and Level Adjust settings do not affect the

playback sound.

You can move to points outside the region between the

Start and End Points.

When the End Point is reached during playback, playback

stops and the playback position moves to the Start Point.

Press the PLAY key to start playback from the Start Point.

To move to a point after the End Point, use the , key,

key, SHIFT+/ key or the JOG/SHUTTLE dial.

Rehearsal playback when PREVIEW ON

Playback is only possible in the region between the Start

and End Points.

The transport cannot be moved outside this region.

Fade IN/OUT and Level Adjust settings affect the playback
