Editing the playback start and stop positions, Editing the playback start, Bc$standby and bc$end marks – Teac HS-4000 User Manual

Page 89: 9 – playlist mode

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9 – Playlist mode

3. The characters shown next to the TITLE button is the title of

the selected entry.
Touch the TITLE button to open the EDIT TITLE screen where

you can change the title of the entry.

Input the title name. Use the same input method as in

“Editing the project name” on page 40.

4. Touch the Enter button on the EDIT TITLE screen or press the

DATA dial to change the entry title.

Editing the playback start and stop positions

1. Press the HOME key on the front panel to open the Home


2. Touch a file name or title name button to open a pull-down

menu and touch the ADJUST ENTRY button to open the

ADJUST XXX screen ("XXX" is the entry number).


When you open the ADJUST XXX screen, playback stops.


You can also open this screen by touching the MENU button

and then touching the ADJUST button in the pull-up menu

when a take is selected on the ENTRY list screen or one of the

key assign buttons on the left is selected on the ASSIGN file


Use the. and / buttons shown at the top right to open

the ADJUST XXX screen for the previous or next assigned


3. Open the Start End Point page.

4. Touch a time display unit to highlight it yellow. The corre-

sponding cursor bar blinks.
When a time unit is selected, use the DATA dial to change

the Start/End position.
Select the time unit for the precision at which you want to

make the change. For example, select the frame unit for

frame precision or the sample unit for sample precision.
If the selected unit is increased/decreased beyond its

maximum/minimum, the next larger unit is increased/

decreased by one.


You can also use the CURRENT button to capture the current

playback position as the Start/End position.

Touch the BC$ , button to open a confirmation pop-up

message that allows you to set the Start and End points to

the times of the BC$STANDBY and BC$END marks or reset

them to the file start and end times. Touch the CAPTURE

button in the pop-up message to load the BC$STANDBY

and BC$END mark times as the Start and End points. Touch

the RESET button in the pop-up message to reset the Start

and End points to the file start and end times. [This should

be one note. It might be better, however, to give it its own


Quickly switching to the region between


You can switch to the region between BC$STANDBY and

BC$END marks all at once.
1. Open the pull-up menu on the playlist mode ASSIGN or

ENTRY screen.

2. Touch the CAPTURE BC$ button in the pull-up menu to open

the following pop-up message.


Touch the CANCEL button in the pop-up message to return

to the ASSIGN or ENTRY screen.