Clearing entry assignments, Editing entry titles, Clearing entry assignments editing entry titles – Teac HS-4000 User Manual

Page 88: 9 – playlist mode

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9 – Playlist mode

Clearing entry assignments

1. Press the HOME key on the front panel to open the Home


2. Touch a file name or title name button to open a pull-down

menu and touch the ENTRY LIST button to open the entry

list screen where you can work with entries.

3. Select the entry that you want to clear.

Its background appears yellow.

4. Touch the MENU button on the Entry List screen to open a

pull-up menu.

5. Touch the CLEAR button in the pull-up menu to clear the



You can also clear an entry by touching the take name that

is highlighted yellow in the take list on the right side.

You can select multiple entries by touching the MULTI

SELECT key. Then, you can touch the CLEAR button to clear

all those entries at the same time.

On the Assign File screen, when a button on the left is

selected, you can clear its entry by touching the take name

that appears yellow in the take list on the right side or by

touching the MENU button and then touching the CLEAR

button on the pull-up menu.

Editing entry titles

1. Press the HOME key on the front panel to open the Home


2. Touch a file name or title name button to open a pull-down

menu and touch the ADJUST ENTRY button to open the

ADJUST XXX screen ("XXX" is the entry number).


Playback will stop if you open the ADJUST XXX screen.


You can also open this screen by touching the MENU button

and then touching the ADJUST button in the pull-up menu

when a take is selected on the ENTRY list screen or one of the

key assign buttons on the left is selected on the ASSIGN file


Entry List Screen

Assign File Screen