Using @ with take names, 8 – take mode – Teac HS-4000 User Manual

Page 73

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8 – Take mode

7. On the TAKE T/C screen, use the FRAME EDIT button to set

whether or not to input the frame value.



8. Use the number buttons to input the take start time. If you

begin input without selecting a digit, input will start from

the smallest one.
To input a specific digit, touch it to make its background

yellow, and then use the number buttons or the DATA dial to

enter two digits at a time.
Touch the CLEAR button to erase all entered values.

9. Touch the ENTER button to confirm the setting.


TIP This can also be edited using an externally connected

Press the keyboard’s ESC key to clear all the values.

10. When the confirmation pop-up window appears, touch the

OK button or press the DATA dial.


If you change the start time of a WAV file, it will automati-

cally be converted to BWF format and a pop-up message

stating this will appear.

Using @ with take names

Select a take and touch the CIRCLE TAKE button to add an “@” to

the beginning of that take’s name.
In addition, you can add an "@" to the beginning of a take name

(or remove it) by touching the take name button on the Home

Screen to open a pull-down menu and touching the CIRCLE

TAKE button in it.


Be aware that you can add/remove @ marks to/from the

names of takes that are used in playlist mode. If you do

this to a take that is used in playlist mode, an error pop-up

message will appear when you try to load a playlist that

contains it.


You can use the "@" to identify good takes, for example.


If a WAV LOCK function Authorize Key has not been input,

you cannot add/remove @ marks to/from take names that

have been password locked.

Even if a WAV LOCK function Authorize Key has been input,

you cannot add/remove @ marks to/from take names that

have been password locked with a password different from

the one used by this unit.