Arming tracks for recording, Recording mode settings, Setting the file format – Teac HS-4000 User Manual

Page 69: 8 – take mode

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8 – Take mode

5. Touch the Enter button or press the DATA dial to return to

the MAKE SESSION screen.

6. If necessary, set the timeline starting time and number of

recording tracks.

7. When you have finished making settings, press the MAKE

SESSION button.

8. Touch the OK button or press the DATA dial when a confir-

mation pop-up message appears.
When creation of the project completes, the Home Screen

For details about session, see “Session operations” on page


Arming tracks for recording

1. Press the HOME key on the front panel to open the Home


2. Touch the REC/MON button to open a pull-up with REC and

MON buttons.

To arm tracks for recording, touch their record arm buttons.
When a track is armed to record, its button appears red.

Recording mode settings

1. Press the MENU key on the front panel to open the MENU


2. Touch the REC SETUP button to open the REC SETUP screen.

On the REC MODE page, you can turn confidence

monitoring on or off. For details, see “Confidence

monitoring” on page 122.

Setting the file format

Touch the FILE FORMAT tab on the REC SETUP screen to open

the following screen.

On the FILE FORMAT page, set the bit length, maximum file size

and how files are handled when entering recording standby

(pause mode). The selected items appear light blue. For details,

see “FILE FORMAT page” on page 101.


File Mode cannot be set to MONO. The mono file recording

folder setting cannot be changed.
(Support is planned in a future firmware version upgrade.)