Epiphan Pearl User Manual
Page 43
Pearl User Guide
User administration
5. Click the Enable LDAP authentication checkbox to enable LDAP authentication (or uncheck to
6. Specify the server IP address and (optional) port for your LDAP server (i.e. in the
Server address[:port] field.
7. Use the Connection encryption drop-down to specify the type of encryption, if any used by your
LDAP server.
Description/Default port used
No Encryption
No encryption is used to connect to the LDAP server. The default port is 389.
SSL encryption is used to connect to the LDAP server. The default port is 636.
The connection is initially unencrypted then upgraded to TLS encryption is
used. The default port is 389.
8. Specify the fully qualified DN and password for LDAP bind in the Bind DN and Bind password fields.
(The password masked as dots on the screen.) These fields are only needed if your LDAP server does
not support anonymous binding.
9. In Base DN, specify the baseObject in which to search for entries. The system will search this object
and the whole subtree starting at the base DN.
10. By default the search attribute is uid, which is suitable for a unix environment. Specify a different value
in the Search attribute field, if needed. For Active Directory environments, specify
userPrincipalName. The value of this attribute must be unique in the Base DN.
11. In the Administrators (group DN) field, specify the distinguished name of the group users must be
part of to be logged in as the administrator. Users must have the member or unqueMember attribute
for the specified group to be granted Administrator access.
If left blank, LDAP is not supported for Administrators (but can still be used for Operators and Viewers).