Know which signal is used for auto-a or auto-b – Epiphan Pearl User Manual
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Pearl User Guide
Use the automatic channels Auto A and Auto B
For Auto A: http://
You find alternate connection streams (i.e. RTSP or MPEG-TS) and can further configure these channels by
logging into the admin interface and accessing Auto A and Auto B by the links under the Channels menu.
You can delete the Auto A and Auto B channels, but they will re-appear upon factory reset or
when loading the default configuration profile.
Know which signal is used for Auto-A or Auto-B
Pearl has video input sensing, meaning it knows when there is a video signal coming through from an attached
If you attach more than one source to a row prior to powering on Pearl, the following priority is used:
Connector Type
The auto channel uses a source until the source has no signal, then switches to the highest priority signal
For example, if you attach SDI, then VGA and TRS cables to Row A of your Pearl, Auto A will show
SDI and use SDI audio until such time as the SDI video signal is lost. At that time Auto A switches to
VGA video.
If you then connect HDMI to Row A (so you now have something connected to each video/audio port
on Row A) and the VGA signal is lost, Auto A displays HDMI and uses HDMI audio as it is the highest
priority signal.
If all the connected sources lose signal at the same time (i.e. for the example above when SDI loses video
signal, no video signal is found on the VGA source) no change is made and the auto channel continues to use
the current source. In this case, a no signal image is displayed for viewers.