Epiphan Pearl User Manual
Page 257

Pearl User Guide
Enable and set timing for AFU
To enable and configure frequency automatic uploads:
1. Connect to the admin interface using your preferred connection mechanism. See
2. Login as admin.
3. Select Automatic File Upload from the Configuration section; the Automatic File Upload
configuration page opens.
If your screen does not indicate that AFU is enabled for at least one channel or recorder, return
to Enable and set timing for AFU
4. Select the Enable Automatic File Upload checkbox.
5. Specify how often automatic updates should happen.
The first transfer occurs after the specified amount of time expires, or after the current file completes
recording. I.e. if the value is set to every hour and five videos are saved the first hour, those five videos
are uploaded after the first hour, and one hour later the videos saved in the second hour are uploaded.
The following table describes the available options.