2 switch conditions in parallel mode, 3 diagnostic word, 2muting – Pilz PNOZ m1p base unit User Manual
Page 22: 4 operating modes
Operating modes
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected]
Switch conditions in parallel mode
Switch conditions in parallel mode
Muting_Betriebsarten_paralleles Muting-Schaltbedingungen
Muting On
Entering the danger zone:
1. Muting sensors MS1 and MS2 must be operated within the config-
ured simultaneity period. Muting is activated.
2. Muting sensors MS3 and MS4 must be operated within the config-
ured simultaneity period, before MS1 and MS2 are cleared.
Leaving the danger zone:
1. Muting sensors MS3 and MS4 must be operated within the config-
ured simultaneity period. Muting is activated.
2. Muting sensors MS1 and MS2 must be operated before MS3 and
MS4 are cleared.
Muting Off
Suspension of the safety function is cancelled as soon as the penulti-
mate muting sensor, MS3/MS4 upon entering or MS1/MS2 upon exiting,
is no longer operated. In other words, only one muting sensor remains
Diagnostic word
Diagnostic word
Messages can be queried in the PNOZmulti Configurator in bit mode
and linked further within the program.
Bit 1: Light curtain, interrupted (without active muting)
Bit 2: Waiting for reset (reset)
Bit 3: Sensor status unfeasible, override required
Bit 8: Muting time exceeded
Bit 9: Feasibility error, simultaneity period exceeded on muting sen-
sors 1 and 2, only one sensor operated
Bit 10: Feasibility error, simultaneity period exceeded on muting sen-
sors 3 and 4, only one sensor operated