Rockwell Automation 1761-HHP-B30 MicroLogix 1000 with Hand-Held Programmer (HHP) User Manual
Page 517

t 1000 with Hand-Held Programmer
(HHP) User Manual
data handling instructions
about, 11–2
Convert from BCD (FRD), 11–3
Convert to BCD (TOD), 11–2
Copy File (COP), 11–10
Decode 4 to 1 of 16 (DCD), 11–7
Encode 1 of 16 to 4 (ENC), 11–8
FIFO and LIFO instructions, overview,
Fill File (FLL), 11–10
in the paper drilling machine application
example, 11–31
move and logical instructions, overview,
data monitor
description, 4–13
entering, 18–26
how to complete tasks, 4–14
screen definition, 4–13
data table status file displays, 18–28
bit, 18–29
control, 18–29
counter, 18–29
input, 18–28
integer, 18–30
output, 18–28
status, 18–28
timer, 18–29
DCD, Decode 4 to 1 of 16, 11–7
DDV, Double Divide, 10–10
Decode 4 to 1 of 16 (DCD), 11–7
entering parameters, 11–7
entering the instruction, 11–7
execution times, 11–7
function code, 11–8
instruction parameters, C–4
ladder representative, 11–7
updates to arithmetic status bits, 11–7
valid addressing modes, C–4
valid file types, C–4
default settings, HHP’s, 4–17
a range of rungs, 17–7
a single rung, 17–6
an instruction, 17–6
multi-point addresses, 18–34
determining controller faults, 20–2
developing your logic program–a model, 6–17
DeviceNet network
connecting, 3–13
selecting cable, 3–14
DF1 full-duplex protocol
configuration parameters, D–2
description, D–2
example system configuration, D–3
using a modem, D–7
DF1 half-duplex slave protocol, D–4
configuration parameters, D–5
using a modem, D–7
DH–485 communication protocol,
configuration parameters, D–10
DH-485 network
connecting, 3–3
description, D–9
devices that use the network, D–10
example system configuration, D–14
initialization, D–10
installation, 3–3
planning considerations, D–12
protocol, D–9
software considerations, D–13
token rotation, D–9
diagnostic/troubleshooting keys, identifying,
controller, A–7
HHP, A–9
DIN rail, 1–13
mounting dimensions, 1–13
diode, 1N4004, 1–8
direct addressing, C–2
displaying values, 6–10
DIV, Divide, 10–9
Divide (DIV), 10–9
changes to the math register, 10–9
entering the instruction, 10–9
execution times, 10–9
function code, 10–9
instruction parameters, C–4
ladder representation, 10–9
updates to arithmetic status bits, 10–9
valid addressing modes, C–4
valid file types, C–4
Double Divide (DDV), 10–10
changes to the math register, 10–10
entering the instruction, 10–10
execution times, 10–10
function code, 10–10
instruction parameters, C–4
ladder representative, 10–10
updates to arithmetic status bits, 10–10