Motor type, Stop select 2, Kp amps – Rockwell Automation 1336Z SPIDER - FRN User Manual

Page 87: Speed brake en, Common bus

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Advanced Setup

[Motor Type]

This parameter should be set to match the type of motor
connected to the drive.

The current limit maximum is dependent on the [Drive
Type] selection and internally limited for the “Induction”
selection of this parameter. The current limit values are
listed in Appendix A.

Parameter Number


Parameter Type

Read and Write

Factory Default



Display Drive

“Induction” 0

Requires no additional setting.

“Sync Reluc” 1

[Slip @ F.L.A.] & [DC Hold Level]
must be set to zero.[Stop Select 1] &
[Stop Select 2] must be set to a se-
lection other than “DC Brake.”

“Sync PM” 2

[Slip @ F.L.A.] & [DC Hold Level]
must be set to zero. [Stop Select 1]
& [Stop Select 2] must be set to a
selection other than “DC Brake.”

[Stop Select 2]

This parameter selects the stopping mode when the drive
receives a valid stop command unless
[Stop Select 1] is selected.

Parameter Number


Parameter Type

Read and Write

Factory Default



Display Drive
“Coast” 0

Causes the drive to turn off

“DC Brake” 1

Drive defluxes the motor and then
injects DC braking voltage into the
motor. Requires a value in both [DC
Hold Time] & [DC Hold Level].

“Ramp” 2

Drive decelerates to 0 Hz., then if [DC
Hold Time] & [DC Hold Level] are
greater than zero the holding brake
is applied. If the values equal zero,
then the drive turns off. Requires a
value in [Decel Time 1/2].

“S Curve” 3

Drive causes S Curve Ramp to 0 Hz
in [Decel Time 1/2] x 2.

“Ramp to Hold” 4

Drive decelerates to zero Hertz then
injects holding brake per [DC Hold
Level] (limited to 70% of drive rated
amps) until
a) a Start command is issued or
b) the Enable input is opened.

[KP Amps]

Sets the proportional gain for the current limiting function
of the drive. Default values are chosen for high inertia
loads. If faster accel is required, raising the gain will allow
additional current to the motor. Excess gain settings may
create unstable operation.

Parameter Number


Parameter Type

Read and Write

Display Units / Drive Units


Factory Default


Minimum Value


Maximum Value


[Speed Brake En]

Enabling this feature allows faster deceleration by raising
the flux in the motor and increasing the losses. Speed
change braking is used in sensorless vector mode only
and is effective for motors up to 20 HP.

Parameter Number


Parameter Type

Read and Write

Factory Default



Display Drive

“Disabled” 0

“Enabled” 1

DC injection braking during decel

[Common Bus]

When enabled, internal precharge is disabled, allowing
common bus operation. “CB Precharge” must be selected
in [TB3 Term xx Sel].

Parameter Number


Parameter Type

Read and Write

Factory Default



Display Drive

“Disabled” 0

“Enabled” 1