Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual

Page 36

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Chapter 4

Assign settings and preview media


Create a custom setting


In the Settings tab, choose an output format from the Create a New Setting (+) pop-up menu.

Choose an output format

for the new setting.

A new setting called Untitled appears in the Custom folder of the Settings tab, appended with
the selected output file format (for example, Untitled H.264 for Apple Devices).

New Untitled setting

The Inspector window also changes to show this setting’s parameters.
Note: You can always change the output file format for that setting in the Encoder pane of the
Inspector, but be sure to change the setting name to reflect its output file format.


At the top of the Inspector, change the name and description to make it easy to remember why

you created this custom setting.


Click the Encoder button in the Inspector, and change the output format and video and audio

codecs and their associated attributes.
Different options are provided in the Encoder pane for each file format.
You can also change options in any of the other panes in the Inspector. For more information,

Inspector panes

on page 42.


To Save the setting, click Save.

Search for a setting
The Settings tab in the Settings and Destinations window includes a search field that you can
use to quickly locate the setting you need. For example, you can type “iPhone” to see a list of
settings that mention iPhone.


In the Settings tab, click the search field and enter the text to search for.

Both the names and descriptions of the settings are searched to determine if any contain the
text you entered. To clear the text entry and return to a normal settings display, click the search
field reset button (with an X).