Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual
Page 3

10 Compressor window overview
11 Manage Compressor windows
12 Compressor terms
Chapter 2: Compressor workflows
14 Quick and easy batch template workflow
15 Manual batch processing workflow
16 Custom transcoding workflow
Chapter 3: Import source media
17 Importing overview
18 Create a batch
20 Add source media files
Add standard source media files to batches
Add surround sound source media files to batches
Add image sequences to batches
Add metadata to source media files
Chapter 4: Assign settings and preview media
31 Settings overview
32 Assign settings
Assign settings to source media
Replace an assigned setting with a different setting
Example: Create custom groups and settings for DVD
46 Use markers and poster frames
Markers and poster frames overview
Manually add and remove markers
Add compression or podcast markers
Plain text chapter marker lists