Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual
Page 241

Chapter 8
Use Apple Qmaster to set up a distributed processing system
Submit a batch of Maya files
In Compressor, choose Apple Qmaster > Create Rendering Jobs.
Apple Qmaster opens.
In the Apple Qmaster window, enter a name for the batch in the “Batch name” field. (This is the
name that appears in Share Monitor after you submit the batch.)
Choose Maya from the Command pop-up menu, and click the Add (+) button.
Note: You can also drag the Maya file to the Batch table (the middle area of the Apple
Qmaster window).
In the dialog that appears, do one of the following:
Verify that the Maya field displays the default location for the Maya application.
Use the Choose buttons to navigate to and choose the location of the Maya project and scene
files for this job.
In the Frames section, enter a start and end frame for the job.
Type additional command options in the Options field.
The full command
is displayed here.
The available settings correspond to commonly used Maya command options. You can also
type additional command options in the Options field. For more information about the Maya
command seetings, see the Maya documentation.
When you’ve finished creating the full command, click OK.
To add more jobs to this batch, repeat steps 3 through 5.
To set options for this batch, specify the following settings:
Submit To: Choose a cluster to process this batch.
Working Directory: If relevant, enter the working directory (from which you want the command
to be executed) in the Working Directory column.
Priority: Choose the priority level from the pop-up menu. The higher the priority, the sooner
and faster this batch will be processed relative to other batches.