Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual
Page 180

Chapter 7
Advanced functions
Source Inset (Cropping) controls
Use these controls to reframe the image with a standard aspect ratio preset or custom dimensions.
Crop to: Choose a standard aspect ratio from this pop-up menu to crop the frame from the
center. There are eight choices:
Custom: Lets you manually enter values in the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom cropping fields
(described below), or adjust these values by dragging the red frame bars in the Preview
window. For more information, see
Crop, scale, and change frame dimensions
on page 177.
4:3 (1.33:1): Applies an automatic center crop with an aspect ratio of 4:3.
16:9 (1.78:1): Applies an automatic center crop with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
Panavision (2.35:1): Applies an automatic center crop with an aspect ratio of 2.35:1.
Europe Standard (1.66:1): Applies an automatic center crop with an aspect ratio of 1.66:1.
UK Standard (1.75:1): Applies an automatic center crop with an aspect ratio of 1.75:1.
Academy (1.85:1): Applies an automatic center crop with an aspect ratio of 1.85:1.
Letterbox area of source: Allows Compressor to detect whether the source media file has
been letterboxed, and if it has, to enter crop values to remove the letterbox.
Left, Right, Top, and Bottom: Four value fields that let you apply custom cropping dimensions
in pixel increments. Most broadcast video files have overscan areas. If the output file will be
shown exclusively on a computer screen rather than on a television screen, you can safely
remove some edging from your file without affecting the picture area. The values entered
in these fields give the distance (in pixels) between the edge of the original frame and the
resulting cropped frame. All fields default to 0.
Note: The regular (action safe) overscan area is the outer 5 percent of the image on all four
sides. Cut in an additional 5 percent and you have the more conservative title safe area. So you
can safely crop anywhere between 5 and 10 percent of your outer frame area and still preserve
the essential material.