Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual
Page 209

Chapter 7
Advanced functions
Submit a job with no password
The following command submits a job to a cluster identified by a name that does not have
a password.
/Applications/ ‑clustername MyCluster
‑batchname "My First Batch" ‑jobpath ~/Movies/ ‑settingpath
~/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG‑4.setting
‑destinationpath ~/Movies/MyOutput.mp4 ‑timeout 5
This command has the following elements:
Identifies where Compressor is located.
Sends this job to the cluster named MyCluster.
Assigns the batch name My First Batch (the quotation marks are used because of the spaces).
Finds the file for the job at ~/Movies/
Uses the MPEG-4 setting at ~/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG-4.
setting (the “\” character is used in this case to retain the space in “Application Support”).
Writes the output file, named MyOutput.mp4, to the ~/Movies folder.
Sets the command to time out after 5 seconds of looking for the cluster.
Submit a job with a password
The following submits a job to a cluster identified by a name that does have a password.
/Applications/ ‑clustername MyCluster
‑password testpassword ‑batchname "My First Batch" ‑jobpath ~/Movies/ ‑settingpath ~/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/Settings/
MPEG‑4.setting ‑destinationpath ~/Movies/MyOutput.mp4 ‑timeout 5
This command has the following elements:
Identifies where Compressor is located.
Sends this job to the cluster named MyCluster.
Submits the password “testpassword.”
Assigns the batch name My First Batch.
Finds the file for the job at ~/Movies/
Uses the MPEG-4 setting at ~/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/Settings/MPEG-4.setting.
Writes the output file, named MyOutput.mp4, to the ~/Movies folder.
Sets the command to time out after five seconds of looking for the cluster.
Submit a job using a cluster ID and no password
The following submits a job to a cluster identified by an IP address that does not have a password.
/Applications/ ‑clusterid
"tcp://" ‑batchname "My First Batch" ‑jobpath ~/Movies/ ‑settingpath ~/Library/Application\ Support/Compressor/Settings/
MPEG‑4.setting ‑destinationpath ~/Movies/MyOutput.mp4 ‑timeout 5