Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual

Page 213

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Chapter 7

Advanced functions


Email Address field: Enter a default email address for email notification.

Outgoing Mail Server field: Enter the mail server used by your computer for outgoing email. For
more information about email notification, see

Add setting actions

on page 184.

“Automatically launch Share Monitor” checkbox: Select to have Share Monitor automatically
open when you submit a batch.

“Display job thumbnails” checkbox: Select to display thumbnail images for jobs in the
Batch window.

Cluster Options pop-up menu: Choose a cluster copying method (for distributed processing
scratch storage settings):

Copy source to cluster as needed: Copies source files to a cluster’s scratch storage location
as needed.

Always copy source to cluster: Always copies source files to a cluster’s scratch storage location.

Never copy source to cluster: Prevents Compressor from copying source files. For example,
if you have a very large source file, you can use this option to manually mount a shared
storage on the nodes rather than copying the file to the cluster.

Never copy files to/from cluster: Prevents Compressor from copying any files. Either all the files
are in the correct locations, or the batch fails.

“Copy at submission (high priority)” checkbox: Select to have Compressor transfer source files to
the processing cluster immediately.

Default Setting pop-up menu: Choose a default preset from the settings in the Settings tab.

Default Destination pop-up menu: Choose a default save location from the list of existing
destinations in the Destination tab.

For New Batches buttons: Select one of the following options for setting the Compressor
startup screen:

Show Template Chooser: Compressor opens with the Batch Template Chooser open.

Use Blank Template: Compressor opens with an empty untitled batch with a placeholder job.

“Allow connections from other computers” checkbox: Select to allow remote computers running
Share Monitor to view this computer’s job status. Share Monitor on the remote computer only
needs to know the IP address or host name. (There is no password to enter.)

“Enter IP addresses or ranges for manually selected computers” table: Displays information about
remote host computers.

Add (+) and Remove (–) buttons: Click these buttons to add or delete information about remote
host computers. For more information, see

Set Compressor preferences

on page 211.