Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual
Page 182

Chapter 7
Advanced functions
Up to 428x240: Scales the output dimensions to not exceed a 428 x 240 frame size while
maintaining the original aspect ratio.
Up to 214x120: Scales the output dimensions to not exceed a 214 x 120 frame size while
maintaining the original aspect ratio.
320x240: Defines an output dimension of exactly 320 x 240.
640x480: Defines an output dimension of exactly 640 x 480.
720x480: Defines an output dimension of exactly 720 x 480.
720x486: Defines an output dimension of exactly 720 x 486.
720x576: Defines an output dimension of exactly 720 x 576.
1280x720: Defines an output dimension of exactly 1280 x 720.
1920x1080: Defines an output dimension of exactly 1920 x 1080.
Custom: Lets you enter custom dimensions in the Width and Height fields. This setting has
no constraint on the aspect ratio.
Custom (4:3): Lets you enter custom dimensions in the Width and Height fields, but
constrains them to the 4:3 aspect ratio. Enter a value in either the Width or the Height field,
and the other value is entered automatically.
Custom (16:9): Lets you enter custom dimensions in the Width and Height fields, but
constrains them to the 16:9 aspect ratio. Enter a value in either the Width or the Height field,
and the other value is entered automatically.
Custom (1.85:1): Lets you enter custom dimensions in the Width and Height fields, but
constrains them to the 1.85:1 aspect ratio. Enter a value in either the Width or the Height
field, and the other value is entered automatically.
Custom (2.35:1): Lets you enter custom dimensions in the Width and Height fields, but
constrains them to the 2.35:1 aspect ratio. Enter a value in either the Width or the Height
field, and the other value is entered automatically.
Pixel Aspect field: Lets you enter a custom pixel aspect ratio (when the adjacent Pixel Aspect
pop-up menu is set to Custom). Pixel aspect ratio refers to the shape of the pixels in a digital
image, a setting that is especially important when using certain filters. For example, if the
graphic you use for the Watermark filter has a circle and you want to be sure it still looks like
a circle when finished (as opposed to an oval), you must choose a Pixel Aspect setting that
matches your output format.
Pixel Aspect pop-up menu: Choose a standard pixel aspect ratio for the output media file from
this pop-up menu. This control forces the pixel aspect ratios to conform to specific formats.
Menu options include the following:
Custom: Lets you manually enter custom values in the adjacent Pixel Aspect field.
Default for size: Sets the pixel aspect ratio to the commonly assumed value for the setting’s
width and height. For example, the default for 720 x 480 or 720 x 486 is NTSC CCIR 601/DV NTSC.
Square: Sets the pixel aspect ratio for proper display on computers.
NTSC CCIR 601/DV: Forces the pixel aspect ratio to 4:3 using 720 x 480 pixels.
NTSC CCIR 601/DV (16:9): Forces the pixel aspect ratio to 16:9 using 720 x 480 pixels.
PAL CCIR 601: Forces the pixel aspect ratio to 4:3 using 720 x 576 pixels.
PAL CCIR 601 (16:9): Forces the pixel aspect ratio to 16:9 using 720 x 576 pixels.
HD (960x720): Forces the pixel aspect ratio to 16:9 using 1280 x 720 pixels.
HD (1280x1080): Forces the pixel aspect ratio to 16:9 using 1920 x 1080 pixels.
HD (1440x1080): Forces the pixel aspect ratio to 16:9 using 1440 x 1080 pixels.