Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual

Page 126

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Chapter 5

Custom settings and output formats



Choose a QuickTime streaming option from the Streaming pop-up menu:

None: If you choose this setting (the default), your output media file will not stream over
the Internet.

Fast Start: This option allows your output media file to be viewed even before it’s fully
downloaded from its server.

Fast Start-Compressed Header: This setting achieves the same results as Fast Start (allowing
your output media file to be viewed before it’s fully downloaded from the server), but the
output media files are smaller.

Hinted Streaming: This setting allows hint tracks to be added to the output media file so that it
can be used with QuickTime Streaming Server.


If you chose Hinted Streaming from the Streaming pop-up menu, click the Options button to

open the QuickTime Hint Exporter Settings dialog, which allows you to choose extra hinting
settings for your stream.


To define clean picture edges in the output file, make sure the “Add clean aperture information”

checkbox is selected.
Information is added to the output file that defines how many pixels to hide to ensure that no
artifacts appear along the edges. When the output file is played using QuickTime Player, this
setting can result in the pixel aspect ratio being slightly altered.
When the checkbox is deselected, no clean aperture information is added to the output file. This
was the standard behavior in Compressor 3.0.5 and earlier.
Note: This checkbox does not affect the actual pixels in the output file—it only controls whether
information is added to the file that a player can use to hide the edges of the picture.


Click Save.

The Summary table displays full details for the settings you’ve chosen.

Stage 2: Add a QuickTime video codec
The Video Settings button in the QuickTime Movie Encoder pane provides access to the currently
installed QuickTime video codecs.

All codecs are compatible with QuickTime, but if you intend to play back the output file using
QuickTime Player, the following delivery codecs are recommended:

