Manage compressor windows, 11 manage compressor windows – Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual
Page 11

Chapter 1
Compressor basics
Batch window: Import source media files and add transcoding settings and save destinations
in this window.
Settings and Destinations window: Choose settings and output destinations from the two tabs
in this window. The Settings tab contains more than 30 Apple-provided settings for common
media formats (for Apple devices, Blu-ray and DVD discs, web streaming, video-sharing
services such as YouTube, and so on). You can add your own custom settings to this list. The
Destinations tab contains common save locations (Desktop, User’s Movies Folder, and so on).
You can add your own custom save destinations to this list.
Inspector window: Adjust common transcoding controls and view a summary table listing the
details of each setting. You can also use the Inspector window to gather information about
source clips.
Preview window: Preview the results of your transcoding settings in this window. A split-screen
feature lets you compare the original media to the modified version, before you output. Here
you can see the effects of applied filters and frame resizing, and you can make adjustments to
these attributes while previewing the results in real time. You can also use the Preview window
to add and view various kinds of markers.
History window: See a complete log of all batches submitted from your computer, including
progress bars of batches still being transcoded. You can pause or resubmit any batches listed
in the log.
You can display the Compressor workspace in either of two basic default layouts. The standard
layout displays all the Compressor windows, with the Settings and Destinations tabs sharing a
window; this layout is optimized for those times when you’re transcoding a single-source media
file. The batch layout places the emphasis on the Batch window and is optimized for those times
when you’re transcoding multiple source media files. As you work, you can switch between these
layouts. You can also create a custom layout and save it for future use.
Manage Compressor windows
The five windows of the Compressor workspace can be moved and resized independently of one
another, allowing you to customize your work environment.
View a specific window
Choose Window > window name.
Bring all Compressor windows to the front
Do one of the following:
Choose Window > Bring All to Front.
Click the Compressor application icon in the Dock.
Choose a layout
Choose Window > Layouts, and choose a layout from the list that appears.
The Compressor interface changes to match the new layout.
Save a layout
Arrange the Compressor windows.
Choose Window > Save Layout.
In the dialog that appears, enter a name for the layout and click Save.
The layout is saved and appears in the layouts list when you choose Window > Layouts.