Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual
Page 259

Chapter 9
Use Apple Qadministrator to create and modify clusters
The cluster name you create will also appear in the cluster pop-up menus in Compressor, Share
Monitor, Apple Qmaster, Final Cut Pro, and Motion.
Click the Add button...
... then rename the
Untitled Cluster.
In the Controller pop-up menu, choose a cluster controller from those available on the network.
Use this pop-up
menu to choose
a cluster controller.
Note: If a password was created for the cluster controller in the Apple Qmaster Sharing window,
a password authentication window appears.
If you want to create cluster passwords, click the Security tab and select and enter the passwords.
Administrator password: If you create this password, administrators will need to know it to
modify this cluster and to view this cluster’s batches in Share Monitor.
User password: If you create this password, users will need to know it to submit batches to this
cluster and to view those batches in Share Monitor.
Add a service node to a cluster
If the Qmaster Service Browser isn’t already displayed in the Apple Qadministrator window, click
the disclosure triangle to display it.
Click this disclosure triangle
to see available nodes.
Add service nodes to the new cluster by dragging them from the Qmaster Service Browser list at
the bottom of the window to the cluster’s service nodes list.