Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual

Page 149

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Chapter 6

Assign destinations and submit batches


Resubmit a batch from the History window
All batch submission information is stored in the History window. This information includes the
details about all of the batch’s jobs and targets, including which source media files were assigned
to them. You can use this information to resubmit a batch simply by dragging a particular entry
from the History window back to the Batch window.

For more information about the History window, see

View batch information in the History


on page 151.


In the Batch window, click the History button.


Locate the batch you want to resubmit.

Note: This is where giving the batch submission a recognizable name can help.


Drag the submission from the History window to the Batch window.

When you drag a batch from the History window to the Batch window, Compressor creates a
new, untitled tab in the Batch window for that batch. The batch appears in the new tab with all
its original details (source media files, targets, assigned settings, destinations, output formats, and
batch name). You can now make any changes to the batch and resubmit it.

Save a batch file
There may be times when you configure a batch but aren’t able to submit it right away. In those
cases, you may find it useful to save the batch settings to use later.

Note: As you work, keep in mind that the .compressor extension appears in the Batch window
tabs if Finder preferences are set to show all file extensions.


Choose File > Save As (or press Command-Shift-S).


In the dialog that appears, enter a name for the file if you don’t want to use the default name.


Choose a destination for the file from the Where pop-up menu.


Click Save.

Note: Batch filenames have a .compressor extension added to them.

Open a batch file within Compressor


Choose File > Open (or press Command-O).


In the dialog that appears, locate and select the batch file to open.


Click Open.

You can also open a batch file by double-clicking it in the Finder, dragging the batch file to the
Compressor application icon, or choosing File > Open Recent and selecting a file.

Note: An error message appears if Compressor cannot locate one or more of the source files
listed in the batch file, and only those sources it finds will appear.