Apple Compressor (4.0) User Manual

Page 233

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Chapter 8

Use Apple Qmaster to set up a distributed processing system


Change cluster storage settings


On the cluster controller, open Compressor and choose Apple Qmaster > Share This Computer.


To open the Advanced pane, click Advanced.


Do any of the following:

To change the cluster storage location: Click the “Storage location” Set button, navigate to the
folder in the dialog, and click Choose.
Note: If you’re using the default This Computer setting in the Cluster pop-up menu in the
Compressor Batch window and you choose Cluster Storage as the destination, the output file
is copied to the Source location. Otherwise, This Computer doesn’t use cluster storage.

To change how often cluster storage files are deleted: Enter a new number in the “Delete files
older than N Days” field.

Click Set to open

a dialog for choosing

a new storage folder.

Enter a new number to

change how often cluster

storage files are deleted.


To apply the changes, click OK.


If you are making changes to existing settings and this computer is already providing

processing services, clicking OK immediately resets this computer’s services. If this computer is
also the cluster controller, any current jobs are terminated.
If you are using cluster storage and an error occurs, partial files may be left on the designated
cluster storage location. Check the designated cluster storage location to make sure no partial
media files are left there. If you find partial media files, delete them and submit the job again.

Define ports for Apple Qmaster service advertisements


In Compressor, choose Apple Qmaster > Share This Computer.


To open the Advanced pane, click Advanced.


Select Enable Port Range From, and set the start of the range by entering any integer value

between 50,000 and 65,535.


In the “Number of ports” field, enter the size of the range, such as 1000.