ADC Soneplex Broadband System User Manual
Page 42

ADCP-61-471 • Issue 4 • June 2000 • Section 2: Operation and Maintenance
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
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: This procedure is used to install MPU Version 5.3 software on an MPU. To perform
this procedure, a host computer with VT-100 emulation and XMODEM file transfer capability is
required. The application software requires 12 to 17 minutes to transfer depending on the type of
host computer and the communication program used. MPU Version 5.3 software can only be
downloaded to MPU Version 5.3 hardware.
Do Items Below in the Order Listed
For Details Go To
1. The following tools and equipment are required to perform
this procedure:
Host computer system with VT-100 emulation
PC communication software with VT-100 emulation and with
XMODEM file transfer capability
MPU Version 5.3 application software and download software
(provided on diskette)
Straight through EIA-232 cable (for Craft port on MPU) or
null-modem cable (for Port 2 or 3 on chassis back panel)
2. Connect the host computer to chassis port configured as the Craft
3. Insert the diskette with MPU Version 5.3 software and the database
equalization software into the computer disk drive.
4. Log on to the Craft Interface system.
5. Download the MPU Version 5.3 software program and verify that
transfer is successfully completed.
6. If no additional operations are required, log off from the Craft