ADC OmniReach MDU Rapid Fiber System User Manual

Spec sheet, Omnireach, Fttx solutions

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FTTX Solutions

MDU Rapid Fiber System

ADC’s new OmniReach


Rapid Fiber System is designed to eliminate the unique challenges posed

by today’s Multiple Dwelling Unit (MDU) buildings, when deploying FTTX networks. MDU buildings
present service providers with diverse challenges such as varying cable pathways and distances
between logical distribution points, demanding installation schedules and increased quality risks
due to splicing. ADC’s Rapid Fiber system is designed specifically to assist service providers when
deploying MDU optical fiber distribution networks for a variety of architectures—and do so in less
time and with less total cost on a consistent, high quality basis for every building.

ADC’s Rapid Fiber system is the ultimate plug-and-play solution for delivering fast, durable and
reliable service for mid- and high-rise MDUs and is available in multiple configurations to meet
the unique requirements of each building.

The OmniReach Rapid Fiber system for MDU applications includes the following
Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) products:

Rapid Indoor Fiber Distribution Hub 3000i

Rapid MDU Collector Enclosure

Rapid Fiber Distribution Terminal

ADC’s Rapid Fiber system provides for quick and easy deployment with increased reliability which
allows for fast service turn-up, improved network reach and lower overall network operating and
maintenance costs.

Features and Benefits

Reduces overall lead-time and installation process

Innovative RapidReel


Provides flexibility in deployment with various size terminals, cable types and standard cable lengths

Utilizes Reduced Bend Radius Fiber

Miniaturized cable requires less space for slack storage of excess fiber cable

Simplifies ordering and inventory