ADC UltraWAVE GSM Network-In-A-Box 105968AE User Manual

Spec sheet, Ultrawave, Gsm network-in-a-box

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GSM Network-In-A-Box

ADC's GSM Network-In-A-Box (NIB) combines GSM MSC, Base Station Controller and Base
Transceiver Station in a single box. It provides the smallest and lowest entry point into the
GSM wireless space. ADC's MSC, BSC and BTS work hand-in-hand to reduce the total cost of
network ownership, providing a network growth path for existing and future customers. ADC's
GSM products provide a compact and cost-effective platform, which help lower the cost of
network ownership.


Compact integrated MSC, BSC and BTS

Call forwarding (conditional, unconditional), call waiting, call hold, call transfer

Generates GSM & ASN.1 compliant CDR records

Available in 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz frequency bands

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) support


Dynamic power control (uplink and downlink)

Built in IN Prepaid, SMSC, AuC and EIR

External alarms for third party equipment are also supported

Common hardware modules with UltraWAVE X100, BTS and BS Plus products

Integrated full rack solution available: UltraWAVE NIB integrated with additional on-site

equipment such as transmission, battery backup, etc. in one rack