4 data file-formats in cr3000 memory, 5 data format on computer, 8 communications – Campbell Scientific CR3000 Micrologger User Manual

Page 68: 1 pakbus

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Section 5. System Overview




data this way, stop the CR3000 program to ensure data are not written to the card
while data are retrieved; otherwise, data corruption will result.

Data stored on CF cards are retrieved through a telecommunication link to the
CR3000 or by removing the card, carrying it to a computer, and retrieving the
data via a third-party CF adapter. Retrieving data, especially large files, is much
faster through a CF adapter than telecommunications with the CR3000.

The format of data files collected via a CF adapter is different than the standard
Campbell Scientific data file formats (see Data File Format Examples

(p. 342)


Data files read from the card via a CF adapter can be converted to a Campbell
Scientific format using CardConvert software (see CardConvert

(p. 451)


For more information on use of CF cards, see the CRD: Drive

(p. 340)

section. Data File-Formats in CR3000 Memory

Routine CR3000 operations store data in binary data tables. However, when the
TableFile() instruction is used, data are also stored in one of several formats in
discrete text files in internal or external memory. See Data Storage

(p. 338)


more information on the use of the TableFile() instruction. Data Format on Computer

CR3000 data stored on a PC via support software is formatted as either ASCII or
Binary depending on the file type selected in the support software. Consult the
software manual for details on available data-file formats.

5.1.8 Communications

Read More! See Telecommunications and Data Retrieval

(p. 354).

The CR3000 communicates with external devices to receive programs, send data,
or act in concert with a network. The primary communication protocol is PakBus.
Modbus and DNP3 communication protocols are also supported. Refer to the
appendix Telecommunications Hardware

for information on available

communications devices. PakBus

Read More! See PakBus Overview

(p. 356).

The CR3000 communicates with Campbell Scientific support software,
telecommunication peripherals, and other dataloggers via PakBus, a proprietary
network communications protocol. PakBus is a protocol similar in concept to IP
(Internet protocol). By using signatured data packets, PakBus increases the
number of communications and networking options available to the CR3000.
Communication can occur via RS-232, CS I/O, or digital I/O ports.

Advantages of PakBus:

• Simultaneous communication between the CR3000 and other devices.
• Peer-to-peer communication — no PC required.
• Other PakBus dataloggers can be used as "sensors" to consolidate all data

into one CR3000.