Crbasic example 39. conditional compile – Campbell Scientific CR3000 Micrologger User Manual

Page 204

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Section 7. Installation




Note Do not confuse CRBasic files with .DLD extensions with files of .DLD
type used by legacy Campbell Scientific dataloggers.

As an example, pseudo code using this feature might be written as:

#Const Destination = "CR3000"
#If Destination = "CR3000" Then

#ElseIf Destination = "CR1000" Then

#ElseIf Destination = "CR800" Then



This logic allows a simple change of a constant to direct, for instance, which
measurement instructions to include.

CRBasic Editor now features a pre-compile option that enables the creation of a
CRBasic text file with only the desired conditional statements from a larger
master program. This option can also be used at the pre-compiler command line
by using -p . This feature allows the smallest size program file
possible to be sent to the CR3000, which may help keep costs down over very
expensive telecommunications links.

CRBasic example Conditional Compile

(p. 204)

shows a sample program that

demonstrates use of conditional compilation features in CRBasic. Within the
program are examples showing the use of the predefined LoggerType constant
and associated predefined datalogger constants (CR800, CR1000, and CR3000).

CRBasic Example 39. Conditional Compile 

'Conditional compilation example for CR3000, CR1000, and CR800 Series Dataloggers

'Key instructions include #If, #ElseIf, #Else and #EndIf.

'Set program options based on the setting of a constant in the program.


ProgramSpeed = 2


ProgramSpeed = 1


ScanRate = 1

'1 second


Speed = "1 Second"


ProgramSpeed = 2


ScanRate = 10

'10 seconds


Speed = "10 Second"


ProgramSpeed = 3


ScanRate = 30

'30 seconds


Speed = "30 Second"



ScanRate = 5

'5 seconds


Speed = "5 Second"


'Choose a COM port depending on which logger type the program is running in.


LoggerType = CR3000


SourcSerialPort = Com3


LoggerTypes = CR1000


SourcSerialPort = Com2