Campbell Scientific CR3000 Micrologger User Manual

Page 121

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Section 7. Installation



variables can be viewed through the integrated keyboard / display or software
numeric monitors. Dim variables cannot.

All user defined variables are initialized once when the program starts.
Additionally, variables that are used in the Function() or Sub() declaration,or that
are declared within the body of the function or subroutine are local to that
function or subroutine.

Variable names can be up to 39 characters in length, but most variables should be
no more than 35 characters long. This allows for four additional characters that
are added as a suffix to the variable name when it is output to a data table.
Variable names can contain the following characters:

• A to Z
• a to z
• 0 to 9
• _ (underscore)
• $

Names must start with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign. Spaces and quote
marks are not allowed. Variable names are not case sensitive.

Several variables can be declared on a single line, separated by commas:

Public RefTemp, AirTemp2, Batt_Volt

Variables can also be assigned initial values in the declaration. Following is an
example of declaring a variable and assigning it an initial valued.

Public SetTemp = {35}

In string variables, string size defaults to 24 characters (changed from 16
characters in April 2013, OS 26).


When a variable is declared, several variables of the same root name can also be
declared. This is done by placing a suffix of "(x)" on the alphanumeric name,
which creates an array of x number of variables that differ only by the
incrementing number in the suffix. For example, rather than declaring four similar
variables as follows,









simply declare a variable array as shown below:



This creates in memory the four variables TempC(1), TempC(2), TempC(3), and

A variable array is useful in program operations that affect many variables in the
same way. CRBasic example Using a variable array in calculations

(p. 122)


program code using a variable array to reduce the amount of code required to
convert four temperatures from Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit degrees.