5 programming, 1 operating system and settings, 2 user programming – Campbell Scientific CR3000 Micrologger User Manual

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Section 5. System Overview



with an upper input voltage limit of 15 Vdc may be damaged if connected to a
CR3000 that is powered by 16 Vdc.

5.1.5 Programming

The CR3000 is a highly programmable instrument, adaptable to the most
demanding measurement and telecommunications requirements. Operating System and Settings

Read More! See CR3000 Configuration

(p. 97).

The CR3000 is shipped factory-ready with an operating system (OS) installed.
Settings default to those necessary to communicate with a PC via RS-232 and to
accept and execute user-application programs. OS updates are occasionally made
available at

OS and settings remain intact when power is cycled. For more complex
applications, some settings may need adjustment. Changes to settings can be
done through the following options:

DevConfig (Device Configuration Utility — see Device Configuration Utility

(p. 97)


• integrated keyboard / display (see Using the Keyboard Display

(p. 404)

and the

appendix Keyboard Displays

(p. 569)


• Datalogger support software (see Datalogger Support Software

(p. 76)


OS files are sent to the CR3000 with DevConfig or through the program Send
button in datalogger support software. When the OS is sent via DevConfig, most
settings are cleared, whereas, when sent via datalogger support software, most
settings are retained.

OS files can also be sent to the CR3000 with a CF card (CRD: drive) or Campbell
Scientific mass-storage media (USB: drive). User Programming

Read More! See sections Programming

(p. 114)

and CRBasic Programming


(p. 475),

and CRBasic Editor Help for more programming assistance.

A CRBasic program directs the CR3000 how and when sensors are to be
measured, calculations made, and data stored. A program is created on a PC and
sent to the CR3000. The CR3000 can store a number of programs in memory, but
only one program is active at a given time. Two Campbell Scientific software
applications, Short Cut and CRBasic Editor, are used to create CR3000 programs.

Short Cut creates a datalogger program and wiring diagram in four easy steps.

It supports most sensors sold by Campbell Scientific and is recommended for
creating simple programs to measure sensors and store data.

• Programs generated by Short Cut are easily imported into CRBasic Editor for

additional editing. For complex applications, experienced programmers often
create essential measurement and data storage code with Short Cut, then edit
the code with CRBasic Editor.