2 data preservation, 3 external memory power-up – Campbell Scientific CR3000 Micrologger User Manual

Page 348

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Section 8. Operation




Table 83. CR3000 File Attributes



Attribute for Programs Sent to CR3000 with:

Run Now

Runs only when
file sent to CR3000

a) File Control


with Run Now checked.

b) CF card (CRD: drive) or Campbell Scientific
mass-storage media (USB: drive) power-up



commands 6 & 14 (see TABLE. Powerup.ini

(p. 350)

). However, if CF card (CRD:

drive) or Campbell Scientific mass-storage media
(USB: drive) is left in, program loads again from CF
card (CRD: drive) or Campbell Scientific mass-
storage media (USB: drive).


Support software program Send

(p. 456)

command. See software Help.


Support software File Control

(p. 456).

See software Help & Preserving Data at Program Send




Automatic on power-up of CR3000 with CF card (CRD: drive) or Campbell Scientific mass-

storage media (USB: drive) and Powerup.ini. See Power-up

(p. 348). Data Preservation

Associated with file attributes is the option to preserve data in CR3000 memory
when a program is sent. This option applies to data table SRAM, CompactFlash


(CF), and support software cache data

(p. 450).

Depending on the application,

retention of data files when a program is downloaded may be desirable. When
sending a program to the CR3000 with the support software Send command, data
are always deleted before the program runs. When the program is sent using
support software File Control Send

(p. 456)

command or CRBasic Editor Compile,

Save and Send

(p. 453)

options to preserve (not erase) or not preserve (erase) data

are presented. The logic in table Data-Preserve Options

summarizes the

disposition of CR3000 data depending on the data preservation option selected. External Memory Power-up

Uploading a CR3000 operating system (OS) file or user-program file in the field
can be challenging, particularly during weather extremes. Heat, cold, snow, rain,
altitude, blowing sand, and distance to hike influence how easily programming
with a laptop or palm PC may be. An alternative is to carry the file to the field on
a light-weight external memory device such as a USB:

or CRD:

drive. The steps

to copy files from the external memory drive to the datalogger are:

1. Place a powerup.ini file on the external memory device along with the OS or

program file to be copied to the datalogger.

2. Connect the external device to the CR3000 and then cycle power to the


This simple process results in the specified file being automatically uploaded to
the CR3000 with optional run attributes, such as Run Now, Run on Power Up,
or Run Always set for individual files. It is also possible to simply copy a file to a
specified drive with no run attributes or to format a memory drive. Powerup.ini
options also allow final data storage management on CF cards comparable to the
datalogger support software

(p. 76)

File Control feature. The CRD: drive has

precedence over the USB: drive.

Including a powerup.ini file with the OS / program file on the external device,
connecting the external device to the CR3000, and then cycling power, will result