3 pt100 in three-wire half-bridge – Campbell Scientific CR3000 Micrologger User Manual

Page 265

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Section 7. Installation

265 PT100 in Three-Wire Half-Bridge

Example shows:

• How to measure a PRT in a three-wire half-bridge configuration.


• Uses half as many input channels as four-wire half-bridge.


• May not be as accurate as four-wire half-bridge.

Example PRT specifications:

• Alpha = 0.00385 (PRTType 1)

The temperature measurement requirements in this example are the same as in
PT100 in Four-Wire Half-Bridge

(p. 262).

In this case, a three-wire half-bridge and

CRBasic instruction BRHalf3W() are used to measure the resistance of the PRT.
The diagram of the PRT circuit is shown in figure PT100 in Three-Wire Half-

(p. 266).

As in section PT100 in Four-Wire Half-Bridge

(p. 262),

the excitation voltage is

calculated to be the maximum possible, yet allow the measurement to be made on
the ±50-mV input range. The 10-kΩ resistor has a tolerance of ±1%; thus, the
lowest resistance to expect from it is 9.9 kΩ. Solve for V


(the maximum

excitation voltage) to keep the voltage drop across the PRT less than 50 mV:

0.50 V > (V


* 115.54)/(9900+115.54)



< 4.33 V

The excitation voltage used is 4.3 V.

The multiplier used in BRHalf3W() is determined in the same manner as in
PT100 in Four-Wire Half-Bridge

(p. 262).

In this example, the multiplier (R




) is

assumed to be 100.93.

The three-wire half-bridge compensates for lead wire resistance by assuming that
the resistance of wire A is the same as the resistance of wire B. The maximum
difference expected in wire resistance is 2%, but is more likely to be on the order
of 1%. The resistance of R


calculated with BRHalf3W() is actually R


plus the

difference in resistance of wires A and B. The average resistance of 22-AWG
wire is 16.5 ohms per 1000 feet, which would give each 500-foot lead wire a
nominal resistance of 8.3 ohms. Two percent of 8.3 ohms is 0.17 ohms.
Assuming that the greater resistance is in wire B, the resistance measured for the


= 100 ohms) in the ice bath would be 100.17 ohms, and the resistance at

40°C would be 115.71. The measured ratio R




is 1.1551; the actual ratio is

115.54/100 = 1.1554. The temperature computed by PRTCalc() from the
measured ratio will be about 0.1°C lower than the actual temperature of the PRT.
This source of error does not exist in the example in PT100 in Four-Wire Half-

(p. 262)

because a four-wire half-bridge is used to measure PRT resistance.

A terminal input module can be used to complete the circuit in figure PT100 in
Three-Wire Half-Bridge

(p. 266).

Refer to the appendix Signal Conditioners

(p. 563)

for information concerning available TIM modules.