7 support software, 8 using the keyboard display, Table 109. newestfile api command parameters – Campbell Scientific CR3000 Micrologger User Manual

Page 404

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Section 8. Operation




Table 109. NewestFile API Command Parameters


Specifies the complete path and wildcard expression for the
desired set of files




selects the newest of the

collection of files on the USR: drive that have a .jpg extension.


The PC based web server will restrict the paths on the host computer to those that are allowed in

the applicable site configuration file (.sources.xml). This is done to prevent web access to all file
systems accessible to the host computer.


Response: the web server collects the newest JPG file on the 
USR: drive of the host CR3000 

Note to retrieve any file, regardless of age, the url is
http://ip_address/drive/filename.ext. The name of the desired file is determined
using the ListFiles command.

NewestFile Response

The web server will transmit the contents of the newest file that matches the
expression given in


. If there are no matching files, the server responds with a

404 Not Found HTTP response code.

8.7 Support Software

Software products are available from Campbell Scientific to facilitate CR3000
programming, maintenance, data retrieval, and data presentation. Starter software
(table Starter Software

) are those products designed for novice integrators.

Datalogger support software products (table Datalogger Support Software

(p. 404, p.


) integrate CR3000 programming, telecommunications, and data retrieval into

a single package. LoggerNet clients (table LoggerNet Clients

) are available for

extended applications of LoggerNet. Software-development kits (table Software-
Development Kits

) are available to address applications not directly satisfied by

standard software products. Limited support software for PDA and Linux
applications are also available.

Read More! A complete listing of Campbell Scientific software available for use
with the CR3000 is available in the appendix Software

(p. 571).

8.8 Using the Keyboard Display

Read More! See Custom Menus

(p. 198).

This section illustrates the use of the integrated keyboard display using default
menus. Some keys have special functions as outlined below.